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Musikaravaa t1_je53a2w wrote

It's never "less confusing" when things are different from how they were yesterday when I clocked out of work at 7 AM before I've had my coffee this morning.


Walesish t1_je5awhe wrote

Hmm not sure I believe that! The settings are still hidden.


dbarrc t1_je5ewop wrote

  1. Install Office 2021

  2. Reboot

  3. Uninstall "Teams Machine-wide Installer"

not so confusing


Shlongathen t1_je5gh55 wrote

Threads! Cool so they’re making it more like Slack. Perfect.


FlattopMaker t1_je5lz7u wrote

2x faster performance with 50% less memory usage would be nice to have.
Interesting that in 2023 when software has half-eaten civliisation Microsoft is described as "the software colossus".


DrabDonut t1_je5md3t wrote

Teams exists for orgs that want most of their software licensing stuff dealt with through a single company. Why pay for Slack when you already pay for Office 365 and a bunch of other Microsoft services and you can simply add one more to the bill?


Xhiel_WRA t1_je5x0i5 wrote

It also exists as a solution for meetings, VoIP, etc. via a single app.

If you're actually using all of Teams' features, slack couldn't hope to realistically replace it.

If you're just using what Teams presents itself initially, slack is an obviously better choice.

Source: I work in an environment that is Microsoft bound for all software and teams is capable of some truly astonishing shit, but like 1% of people actually use it that way.


elister t1_je5xr1y wrote

Ive been using MS Teams for 2+ years (telecommuting from home) with very few problems. My kid also uses MS Teams for school, so when theres a parent teacher meeting that can be done from remote, its a pain in the ass switching accounts.


humorous_ t1_je5y2kp wrote

It’s the logical conclusion to the “Skype for Business” hole they were scrambling to fill for a couple years between Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype and the advent of Teams. The core idea behind Teams is probably the first Microsoft idea I’ve liked in a while.

Between Teams and O365, Microsoft pretty successfully pivoted into a business services titan rather than just the company selling the software businesses use. Plus now they can probably sell your data (or anonymized versions of it) AND charge you for using the services that collect that data.


Xhiel_WRA t1_je5yofl wrote

It's not just the logical conclusion, as in they naturally developed on into the other. No, no. SFB just fucking turned into Teams one day.

If you used Skype for Business (and didn't pay M$ to keep it the fuck still for another year while you desperately try to get out from under technical debt) your SFB turned into Teams, as in the client un-installed itself and installed Teams.

Your DNS records for SFB sip? Yeah they didn't need to be changed or anything. They just work for Teams. Same infrastructure.


whitexheat t1_je6dskr wrote

If their UX improvements don’t include moving either the “Leave” meeting button away from the “Share screen” button, then it’s all a wash.


Xhiel_WRA t1_je6eemn wrote

God it was a whole thing. /r/SysAdmin had some fucking incredible threads with people figuring out how to roll back, how to unfuck Teams, etc.

It was a wild time to be alive and working in the industry.


davey83 t1_je6s9kl wrote

Now, if they'd only actually fix 2+ year old bugs I might actually stop calling it an abomination.


dripdripn t1_je6vo22 wrote

My condolences to anyone that has to suffer using Teams on a daily basis.


tiboodchat t1_je75l63 wrote

Afaik Slack does not have VoIP in the sense that it’s not an actual SIP service. And if it does I’d love for someone to point to where in the documentation cause it could be really useful for different integrations (am programmer).


emote_control t1_je79eor wrote

Slack is buggy as hell though. There's one guy on my team who insists on video calls on slack "because it's easier, and we're already chatting on slack" and half the time it can't find my audio devices, or won't connect. We also use WebEx, which used to be terrible but got much better.


lordargent t1_jea69ni wrote

There's so much bad UI stuff in Teams that it's hard for me to pick just one as the 'worst'.

My least favorite is not being able to custom sort 'Contacts', it's always alphabetic, so I end up having to name groups with a numerical prefix "01 my team" "02 core infra" etc. so that my group is at the top, followed by the groups I interact with the most.