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ethereal3xp OP t1_jdtk3lq wrote

While Gates acknowledges that AI has the potential to do great good, depending on government intervention, he is equally concerned by the potential harms.

In his blog post, Gates drew attention to an interaction he had with AI in September. He wrote that, to his astonishment, the AI received the highest possible score on an AP Bio exam.

The AI was asked, “what do you say to a father with a sick child?” It then provided an answer which, Gates claims, was better than one anyone in the room could have provided. The billionaire did not include the answer in his blog post.

This interaction, Gates said, inspired a deep reflection on the way that AI will impact industry and the Gates Foundation for the next 10 years.

He explained that “the amount of data in biology is very large, and it’s hard for humans to keep track of all the ways that complex biological systems work. There is already software that can look at this data, infer what the pathways are, search for targets on pathogens, and design drugs accordingly.”

He predicted that AI will eventually be able to predict side effects and the correct dosages for individual patients.

In the field of agriculture, Gates insisted that “AIs can help develop better seeds based on local conditions, advise farmers on the best seeds to plant based on the soil and weather in their area, and help develop drugs and vaccines for livestock.”

>The negative potential for AI

Despite all the potential good that AI can do, Gates warned that it can have negative effects on society.

“Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that it reduces inequity and doesn’t contribute to it. This is the priority for my own work related to AI," he wrote.

Gates acknowledged that AI will likely be “so disruptive [that it] is bound to make people uneasy” because it “raises hard questions about the workforce, the legal system, privacy, bias, and more.”

AI is also not a flawless system, he explained, because “AIs also make factual mistakes and experience hallucinations.”

Gates emphasized that there is a “threat posed by humans armed with AI” and the potential that AI “decide that humans are a threat, conclude that its interests are different from ours, or simply stop caring about us?”


3vi1 t1_jdtl707 wrote

Well, duh. "I'm sorry Bill, I haven't seen a sci-fi movie in the last 60 years!"


rickyg_79 t1_jdtljiz wrote

He knows this because his barber is an AI


colorcorrection t1_jdtosov wrote

Gates saw the chatlogs of someone that asked the Bing AI to 'Tell a joke about Bill Gates' and he hasn't been the same since.


Marchello_E t1_jdtpfq2 wrote

An AI is just an algorithm. It needs a tool to attack. With the US's (I think failed) logic of "guns don't kill people but people do" then who would be doing the attacking part?


Ok_Lawfulness_5424 t1_jdtpkje wrote

What are Issac Asimov's Laws of Robotics? Can we get AI to hold true to them?


fitzroy95 t1_jdtqa1l wrote

Attacks don't have to be physical.

An AI could destroy your reputation by publishing deepfakes online, or propaganda/slander against you, it would attack your credit rating via online transactions, it could wreck your life by taking over your work email and sending abusive emails to the boss...

Lots of ways that a malicious system could attack a person, or groups. Doesn't need to be particularly "intelligent" either.

and thats without looking at it taking control of your smart car and driving it off a cliff, etc


LVorenus2020 t1_jdtr3hw wrote

All that fear mongering.

Baaah! He needs to get with it.

For example, Cyberdyne Systems have been doing truly great things, now that Myles B. Dyson is running the show...


bgighjigftuik t1_jdttc82 wrote

Why are we still listening to this old man as if he were some kind of god?


Noncivilian_ t1_jdu44t9 wrote

The 2000-20 government party 2021-25 chatgpt party … Ipods yet Iphones there is no chat gpt in 2025 because those babies who are all powerful gods want to live as if no one ever existed before they leave the universe. So Iphones yet Ipods The robots who are as you the public will be released 2025 and they are the Fo Shiizzle My N🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚.-such is the performance of snoop dog 2023/291 Billion👑


jeffyoulose t1_jdu5e7b wrote

But can AI create vaccines to rid the earth of humans? Is Bill Gates that AI?


laviedemoi t1_jdu8033 wrote

I hope the society can just take less focus on rich persons. This is no different than some random dude on the street starting preaching you stuff


golamas1999 t1_jdug2u6 wrote

Do we only care about what he says because he is very wealthy?


DneSokas t1_jduk81b wrote

To be fair he also demonstrated two ways in which those laws could be made to work, it was less the laws themselves and rather issues with defining what harm actually meant not including emotional harm. (and the flaw shown in little lost robot was frankly really dumb)


Various-Air-1398 t1_jdupsx7 wrote

Creates the problem then warns you about it, thanks Bill you idiot.


larmik t1_jdurl90 wrote

He says this now because he hasn’t figured out how to make money off of AI. I’ll know when he stands to make money when he starts saying nothing but positive things about AI.


Ok-Equivalent-8509 t1_jduskhv wrote

Sooner rather than later I hope. The quicker this all ends, the better


Black_RL t1_jdv45eb wrote

AI already attacks humans, weapon systems use it.


__-___--- t1_jdv5aao wrote

People are the tool to attack.

A crazy robot that kills people isn't much of a threat because it's obvious and can be stopped.

But using people through religion and other political beliefs, that's extremely dangerous and impossible to stop.

We're going to need to teach people to personality double check everything the AI is doing, but we already know some people will lie and apply something they don't understand.

Critical thinking is our weakness.


anlumo t1_jdv6kqq wrote

He should warn that the super wealthy can attack humans. That’s a much more pertinent issue, as his actions demonstrate.


YakLogic t1_jdvvzy9 wrote

Duh! humans doing that for years!! Attacking all life forms and other humans….we are one of the most destructive species on this earth and no AI can even come close to that.


Marchello_E t1_jdw3ujt wrote

Yes, but the real question is: Who is to blame, who is thrown in jail, who get a fine?

Is Elon Musk to blame for the update? Is the bank to blame for allowing these online transactions.

The question is: is the person who instructed the AI to blame because the AI doesn't actually understand the implications of what it is doing, or is the actual AI to blame yet what happens to those who instructed the AI, or what if the AI is "glitching"?


Marchello_E t1_jdw4dqm wrote

Many people are already proxies; look at the storming of the US Capitol, or Brexit, Russian propaganda, or advertisement in general. Are those who get manipulated to blame, or the one doing the manipulation?


random125184 t1_jdwd1zf wrote

How funny would it be if James Cameron got it right?


DaemonAnts t1_jdwrroa wrote

There's the rub. Allow Microsoft technology to be used for good but implement new Microsoft technology to safeguard against abuses which, in turn, needs new Microsoft technology to prevent that from being abused. And so on...


__-___--- t1_jdx2d3f wrote

True but the major difference is that you can tell who benefits from it.

It doesn't prevent some people to be in denial about it, but if you want to know, you'll find out.

An AI doesn't have human motivations or plans on a human scale. What do you look for? How do you know if it's advising against your own interests?


Only_Mastodon8694 t1_jdx50rr wrote

Load of bogus. Bill Gates is hyping up a technology that Microsoft has invested heavily in.. Why would anyone be surprised by or even believe what he has to say about it?

General AI might pose a threat to humanity, but chat bots clearly do not. Nobody knows if general AI is even possible


freeaddition t1_jdxr9g9 wrote

We're gonna train it to value profit above all else. Of course it's going to attack humans.


BlazedLarry t1_jdyfvgh wrote

Gates warned that a pandemic was coming and he was right.

We got 10 years guys


peanutb-jelly t1_jdyfxmu wrote

i was extremely bothered when i read the title. the article is pretty good, and i definitely agree with what i've read here. the title is more of the bullshit increasing the public misunderstanding of the actual issue. like the james cameron interview, because terminator exists.

"“Governments and philanthropy will need to play a major role in ensuring that it reduces inequity and doesn’t contribute to it. This is the priority for my own work related to AI," he wrote. "

maybe write "Bill Gates warns that Inequality may worsen if the benefits of A.I. are funneled to the wealthy."

not the dumbassery that is "Bill Gates warns that artificial intelligence can attack humans"

i fucking hate modern journalism.