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[deleted] t1_jbbb0v8 wrote


[deleted] t1_jbbfyet wrote



JoieDe_Vivre_ t1_jbdkrt5 wrote

Dude imagine defending Mao and comparing it to tech lay offs.

Pretty good bit though


2giga2dweebish t1_jbcf544 wrote

How is anything Stalin did worse than Mao? The USSR rapidly industrialising is the only reason Eastern Europe currently isn't a mass graveyard.


Firechess t1_jbcbiqu wrote

I will never understand the hatred people have for Zuckerberg. He's some bland nerd that runs a social media site, and somehow he's more evil than Mao Zedong.


uberinstinct t1_jbchisx wrote

Maybe because Facebook literally facilitated a genocide in Myamar, and the net negative of Facebook on the world as a whole.


Firechess t1_jbcww05 wrote

And McDonalds killed even more people with diabetes. Welcome to human beings becoming shitty through excess. But I bet you don't even know who McDonald's CEO is. Or even Nestlé. The only thing that stands out about Zuckerberg is that he made his company from his dorm room, and therefore he gets the dishonor of being more evil than Mao Zedong.
