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Kaschenko t1_je3t6ui wrote

> With renewable energy, we don't pay for the cost of the energy itself, just for the equipment and maintenance. With all other forms of power generation, we pay for the energy in addition to the equipment and maintenance.

What does it even mean?


GetsBetterAfterAFew t1_je3umqr wrote

Gas needs gas to get to the gas station. Build wires to gas stations once and get electricity for years without gas or semis or trains or refineries that all cost money to run. Its simple really, fewer moving parts, less cost.


listur65 t1_je4y4cq wrote

Not to mention all of the cost in gathering the coal/natural gas itself.


UrbanGhost114 t1_je40w25 wrote

The logistics of moving fuel is massive, ongoing, and increasing.

Source:. Deliver fuel to gas stations.


DMoney159 t1_je3z663 wrote

We don't have to burn stuff to make renewable electricity. That means no constant paying for the coal or gas or other burnable thing, just equipment


420ciskey420 t1_je3zda7 wrote

It means that the gas (energy) costs money to acquire and consume to generate power.. you don’t have to pay for sun light, or a breeze, or the tide of the ocean.


everybodylovesraymon t1_je41whb wrote

In Canada we use a lot of hydroelectric for our power. Dams set up on fast moving rivers generate all our power. Only cost is the setup and maintenance of the dams, the source (water) is free. Unlike coal.


omar_strollin t1_je52jnw wrote

There is some acute local ecological damage as well, but all options have their faults


Riaayo t1_je4b648 wrote

For gas, coal, or fossil fuels you have to pay to extract, refine, and transport the fuels - then also have to build and run the infrastructure to burn it for energy.

Solar and wind you generate and "extract" in one go. The solar panels/plant is collecting and generating power at once. The wind turbine is collecting and generating power at once. There's no shipping or pipelining sunlight and wind.

The "cost" of mining/extraction is basically non-existent. You've gotta buy fuel to burn it. You don't have to buy sunlight or wind to generate power of fit.

That on top of it being cheaper and easier to roll out solar panels and wind farms than it is these other power plants, and the lower cost is clear.


Wwize t1_je53t6e wrote

It costs money to mine coal and extract oil. It costs nothing for the sun to get to the solar panel or the wind to get to the wind turbine.


TheLostcause t1_je452j3 wrote

Everything will have wear and tear as a substantial cost at a large scale.