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DungeonsAndDradis t1_iu42vm3 wrote

My gut instinct (I hope I'm wrong), is that Microsoft will stop allowing game sales. You'll have to subscribe to Game Pass to play the games. I think this will happen with a major AAA title in the next 2-3 years. Once the outrage is done, they'll make that the standard for all new games to the platform.

Every industry is moving towards subscription-only options.


BrettEskin t1_iu437iv wrote

I don't think they'll stop allowing them period, they still offer stand alone office apps after all, but they'll make it to the point where you'll be so impossibly locked in to 365 already you'll have no reason to buy a game out right


lokitoth t1_iu4fxex wrote

> Microsoft will stop allowing game sales

Not so long as Steam exists. Part of the point of GamePass is that when games roll off from it, anyone who is not done but wants to is incentivized to buy it (with a little discount over the top).