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shahooster t1_itz8jao wrote

Hopefully not the Hyundai car key of yesteryear


ImPattMan t1_itzab2m wrote

I mean, everyone has used them at some point, hyundai just inexplicably used them for a lot longer than anyone else.

And to your point directly, no the article is very short and explains it right away, try reading the article next time.

They are delivering one proper smart key with each car, and one purely mechanical key to be used only to unlock the doors. They will deliver the second smart key to the buyer when it's ready. This will allow them to get cars out the door faster, and the customers will eventually get their second key.


IcyChard4 t1_itzd8g9 wrote

Honestly, I'd rather have car keys. Why? >!Because automakers are putting up smart tech to nickel-n-dime customers. Just look at what Tesla and BMW are doing? They ask for subscription fees for just about anything like car heating to air bags.!<


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_itzrbs7 wrote

I don’t understand why people are so bothered by the option of subscription based seat heating.

If you live in a city that’s cold for maybe 1–3 months a year, why would you want to pay for the heaters in its entirety? You’re saving money by paying for a month or so of heaters. Similarly, you are able to “buy out” the feature. It’s not like they locked it entirely. If you have such a hard on for owning them in a conventional way, you’re still able to do just that.

The only people who are truly hurt by this is the segment of consumers obsessed with one-upping people with a similar model minus X feature.


jpsreddit85 t1_itzs94j wrote

Subscriptions on things that don't need subscriptions are dumb. You won't be paying less, you'll be paying more. You're a fool of you think the company is cramming shit nobody wants into you for them to lose money.


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_itztw3j wrote

You realize you can like… unsubscribe to the features when you don’t want them anymore, right?

The seat price is a $400 option, but a subscription to the seat is $18 a month (these are real numbers btw). If your area is cold for 3 months a year, you would need to keep the car for 8 years for it not to be worth it to subscribe to the seats themselves.


jpsreddit85 t1_itzv2oc wrote

So, to me your math proves my point instead of yours. I also don't want to have to "manage" my car seat, I have enough to deal with in life with things that actually do need management.

In the end people like you will buy this crap and people like me won't, so the company will either adjust or not.


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_itzyd6s wrote

Again, you don’t have to subscribe and you still have the option of buying out.

And no, my math still stands for people who do not want to own their cars for 8 years. They would be saving $22 assuming they “only” own one for 7 years.


Risay117 OP t1_itzzkz6 wrote

The heater is already in your car, why would you pay subscription for a device your car already has and uses your fuel, that does not require any update to any software etc. Now if you are renting out the hardware maybe.


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_itzzsc6 wrote

Because the company needs to be profitable and standardized productions are cheaper than one-offs.

I agree with your sentiment but similarly the companies exist to make a profit.

Worst case scenario bimmertech will jailbreak you one.


Risay117 OP t1_iu00efh wrote

Standardized production? the heater in the seat is standardized. There is no more standardizing needing to be done. The heater already exists the switches already installed. All you are doing is adding a switch for the company to say no you can't use the heater. You are not updating heater software after it is sold.

Also this profit argument is not even correct. It is like you install a door with a key lock and you have to pay subscription to use the door. It is not seeing any updates etc. This is just double dipping on a product that has already been delivered.


FeckThul t1_iu09qro wrote

Their profit motive is their problem, why are you so energetically simping for it on their behalf?


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_iu0d3o6 wrote

I’m not. I’m saying that it opens a new revenue stream that used to be in limbo of wanting but not needing the feature. It opens up the package to more consumers and is just a smart business decision.

Again, if you’d prefer not to subscribe you’re still more than welcome to purchase the feature outright — it just doesn’t make sense to 60% of BMW owners who own their cars for 5 years or less.


Tedstor t1_iu1ebd0 wrote

Not that you're wrong, but I wonder how long that subscription will remain $18?


LandoChronus t1_iu2ckyo wrote

You already bought the seat heaters when you bought the car.

Now you have to pay a subscription to use them.

It's that the heaters are already in the car. You're paying twice.


Shopped_For_Pleasure t1_iu2d3md wrote

Youre paying for them once with a discount of not having them turn on, and a separate time to have them activated.

Alternatively you could outright buy it if thats your prerogative to “own what you buy”. Enjoy.


Proud_Tie t1_iu78w94 wrote

> I don’t understand why people are so bothered by the option of subscription based seat heating.

Because the hardware is already installed. That's the rub.


trevize1138 t1_itzv7q6 wrote

Low on chips, major typewriter manufacturer gets rid of LCD screens that preview what you type before printing to page. Rather than develop a proper iPad competitor that could utilize newer chips that actually have good supply the typewriter company is "going back to basics."


TheJadedSF t1_iu03mwe wrote

Phone keys have been one of the biggest improvements to my life. Don't think I could go back to carrying fobs.


Butterbuddha t1_iu05xrm wrote

Idk keyless ignition is pretty nice. Especially on my motorcycle I already have my hands full putting on my helmet and gloves, being able to leave my fob in my pocket is sweet peas.


TheJadedSF t1_iu08qw7 wrote

Phone key gives you keyless ignition too, minus the extra thing to put in your pocket or forget in the house...


JDD4318 t1_iu1b2bu wrote

what happens when your phone dies?


TheJadedSF t1_iu1jqj4 wrote

Have never had that happen but I also carry my card key in my wallet just in case (Tesla Model 3).


happyscrappy t1_iu24jku wrote

Depends on the phone. On an iPhone or Apple Watch there is a chance it will still work. The device keeps your "key" information in memory when entering low power mode. That might get you through the day.

I expect some Android phones do this too.

Or it might not.


ChalupaCabre t1_iu2i47g wrote

What happens when the fob dies?


Knightforlife t1_iu2r3gi wrote

My fob has a key inside. So I can still open and drive my car.


ChalupaCabre t1_iu32dip wrote

Mine has a key too… but I’m fairly certain it’s only for the doors. No way to start the car with it.

(2018 Nissan Leaf)


maybeinoregon t1_iu2qadf wrote

BMW (bikes) includes with their fob a really thin key for this event. You place it near the radio transmitter, and you can start bike etc. They call it a wallet key, and tell you to carry it with you. I must have been (accidentally) giving the service advisor an are you fing kidding me look when he was explaining the wallet key, as he stopped short and said, yea I know, why not just use a key to begin with? Lol


maybeinoregon t1_iu2mgk8 wrote

I have keyless and key BMW bikes, and this I know…a key works 100% of the time. A fob doesn’t work - for an infinite amount of reasons - at the most inconvenient time lol.


Butterbuddha t1_iu3qgla wrote

True but in that scenario can’t you click in a code and ride off anyways? I can in my Harley. Certainly more convenient to immediately replace the battery rather than keep doing that, though.

I just replaced the battery just recently as a matter of fact, the bike was slow to wake up when I switched on the ignition so I knew it was getting to be that time. The kick in the nuts is also replacing the spare fob battery too which I used literally zero times lol but better safe than sorry!


maybeinoregon t1_iu431bc wrote

No, they give you a skinny wallet key (looks like a key, about as thick as a credit card) to put near the radio transmitter to unlock and start the bike. And you have to do it without moving the bike, or you might set off the alarm.


Butterbuddha t1_iu44p72 wrote

That’s crazy. You would think Bimmer would have an electrical back up and Harley would have a key. Instead I have to remember a 5000 click sequence. Go figure.


bigfatmatt01 t1_iu185vl wrote

You know they are gonna add a subscription for that right?


TheJadedSF t1_iu1jmna wrote

I've had it for no subscription on my Model 3 for years. Where are you getting this info?


bigfatmatt01 t1_iu1k4hh wrote

Now that the tech is patented and BMW has announced that they will start doing it other car companies will follow suit. Corporations don't leave potential revenue on the table no matter ho douchie it makes them look.


DanDanDan0123 t1_iu1ppzr wrote

For the Toyota you need a subscription to start the car remotely. Probably worth it if you live in an area of extreme hot or cold. So you could get the temperature you want before getting in the vehicle.


sync-centre t1_iu0ez4l wrote

Now if they can figure out how to get their cars stole so easily that would be even better.


Torka t1_iu1iwqo wrote

awesome. with any luck this will continue with the release of the GR Corolla. It would be nice to have a real key with that.


Icehis t1_iu1nk88 wrote

Big and powerful chips on 4 wheels will be the future.



DanDanDan0123 t1_iu1p0dc wrote

I kind of like keys. I can’t tell you how many times I get out of the car and I push lock on the fob and the car beeps because I didn’t turn it off! It’s a hybrid so when it’s parked it doesn’t make any noise.


Im_in_timeout t1_iu0b2no wrote

Is Toyota going to charge a car key subscription?


IcyChard4 t1_itzcxhg wrote

Love it!!

Now we're seeing the issues regarding subscription-based services.
