
FeckThul t1_iu0ioeq wrote

> Human rights of women will not suddenly become null and void because a transwoman who had a sex change operation will be sent to a woman shelter instead of a man shelter after having been attacked.

Did anyone claim that?

> Or do you believe that trans people should be segregated from the rest of society?

As a cis man I don’t feel it’s my place to tell cis women that they need to suck it up and just get over whatever trauma they might have around AMAB people, “for the cause.”


FeckThul t1_iu0i28l wrote

These aren’t my concerns, I’m not a woman and never had to fight for things like a safe space for my gender, and I won’t pretend to speak for them. I’m familiar with the debate however, which usually centers on rape crisis centers, gender-segregated accommodations on trains, and similar situations. The concern isn’t about assault, and frankly I think the concerns are overblown, but as I’ve said… my experience in life is profoundly different from a woman traumatized by men. For me there’s no problem accepting trans women as women, but again, I have the privilege of having no baggage with AMAB people.


FeckThul t1_iu03406 wrote

> Some campaigners, however, believe that allowing people to "self-identify" could have an impact on rights that women have fought for decades to secure. There is also concern about the impact on women-only spaces, including changing rooms, hospitals and refuges.

Are there any protections in place to assure that doesn’t happen?
