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mmarollo t1_it1zuy9 wrote

German leaders literally caused the worldwide renaissance for coal.

There's nothing anyone can do anyhow. Asia pays lip service to the Western climate cult, but they don't believe any of it. Which is why they're building thousands of new coal plants in the next 20 years.


Ghune t1_it2h314 wrote

Yes, and I'm surprised they don't warn against a worldwide renaissance for nuclear power...


dew2459 t1_it31oh2 wrote

You think that's a joke, but unfortunately it isn't.

Germany has been doing pretty much that for years. They are currently fighting hard (thankfully a losing battle so far) against counting nuclear power as "green" in the EU regulations. It is mind-numbing how flat-earther so many Germans are on nuclear power.


MarTimator t1_it3g7ht wrote

The boars here still got Chernobyl in them, its not that far fetched. Its stupid because besides human error, nuclear is pretty safe, yet more expensive. The conservatives made the nuclear exit happen because they wanted to take the topic off the Greens after Fukushima „Look we doing u a good, nucular bad“ and the conservatives (governing mostly with SPD, workers party basically) are also why we’re in deep shit with Russian gas and lacking power lines to the south. And not to mention why Germany has crap internet. Thanks vegetable man. Not to mention the I think 1k solar plants that are operational but not providing power due to lack of certification due to lack of certificators


dew2459 t1_it46ozr wrote

>Not to mention the I think 1k solar plants that are operational but not providing power due to lack of certification due to lack of certificators

That seems very German. I worked for a large German company. We (non-Germans) joked "Success has nothing to do with results, success is whether the process has been followed exactly."


MarTimator t1_it46ur5 wrote

Yep, some jokers even spent like 180k for a heated bridge, because…


MOXschmelling t1_it4km85 wrote

Fellow German countrymen I speak to are not thrilled by a potential MCA. In fact and compared to other nuclear power plants in Europe the German ones are not in that bad of a shape.

However, being aware of the risks of storing and transporting the nuclear waste - we did not even find an apropriate permanent storage site in our country - it is not recommended to accumulate more and more of it. In my opinion this is the greater risk. Nuclear energy itself is clean and relatively safe if properly operated.


fgdfghdhj5yeh t1_it4ioep wrote

chernobyl could happen every 10 years and nuclear would still cause less deaths per watt than coal does. so not much of an excuse on their part. uninhabitable area is a good excuse if that were the case though.


LMAO at their 1k solar plants due to no certification.. my god


Amtsschreiber t1_it2zz7m wrote

> German leaders literally caused the worldwide renaissance for coal.

Germany is quickly moving away from coal, what's your point?


fgdfghdhj5yeh t1_it4j4uq wrote

not him but they could be using half the coal of what they are using right now, just by not having turned off a few nplants..

also apparently they have 1k solar power plants that are not operational because they lack certifications and there aren't enough certificators lmao


Petaris t1_it3oya7 wrote

Asia is not filled with stupid people. Its not that they don't believe it, its just that money always wins. Its cheaper and they, like lots of other countries before them, figure they can just leave the problem for the future.

Don't confuse greed and unconcern for stupidity.


PolyDipsoManiac t1_it2eiiv wrote

They believe it in China, as soon as there are environmental impacts.


mmarollo t1_it2frk2 wrote

There are already huge impacts and it doesn't slow them down. As they get wealthier they build cleaner coal plants with fewer particulate emissions -- the stuff that is actual pollution and nobody wants.

China's cities have the dirtiest air on the planet, but rapid growth is far more important to them than theoretical climate change. They will gradually improve air quality. Los Angeles was like this 60 years ago. Not any more.


PolyDipsoManiac t1_it2fweo wrote

That’s a funny way to look at it. China installs far more renewable capacity every year than anyone else.


[deleted] t1_it2iliu wrote



Fuckyourdatareddit t1_it477tk wrote

China also is building more nuclear than every other country, but still only spending a tiny amount on it compared to the incredibly cheap, easy to build, easy to install forms of renewable energy


mrp3anut t1_it4ct33 wrote

Im not really sure what your point is? China is not making eco friendly decisions in the same way western powers are. Yes they are covering some of their increasing energy needs with various forms of renewable energy. That doesn’t change the fact that in an era where the rest of the world is trying to sunset coal power plants completely and source that energy from more eco friendly means the Chinese are building brand new coal plants that will be pumping out smog for the next 20-30 years.


Fuckyourdatareddit t1_it4djzl wrote

Ohhhh that’s funny because China installing 1000 GW of renewable in 2021, and 8.5 GW of new coal really doesn’t match up with any of your points 🤔 it’s almost like you’re full of shit


Snoo93079 t1_it2kk7k wrote

China is installing renewables (which is good) BECAUSE they have shit air quality.


fgdfghdhj5yeh t1_it4jhhz wrote

they install more of everything than everyone else. 25% of the planet is there.


nyaaaa t1_it2zuiw wrote

Except that nothing much is changing with coal.


Fuckyourdatareddit t1_it47bis wrote

Apart from large numbers of coal plants closing in every developed nation, coal mines closing in most nations etc etc. but no of course nothing is changing


nyaaaa t1_it68ui9 wrote

Dunno maybe check a global prod/use chart and show us any significant change


DonManuel t1_it23ia8 wrote

> German leaders literally caused the worldwide renaissance for coal.

Except those who claimed that bullshit actually did it silently.
