T3rribl3Gam3D3v t1_itsv061 wrote
Fix search. Also, it is sexist as fuck
WhiteAndNerdy85 t1_itsyz5z wrote
How dare the data we feed and train it with be reflective.
T3rribl3Gam3D3v t1_itt063d wrote
Actually, these are select choices by Google.
Check the score of college A vs college B. The only thing that ever shows up is men's basketball or men's football...even if there wasn't a game between the schools in the past few months. It'll just find the most recent. This is a conscious decision by Google engineers
WhiteAndNerdy85 t1_itt4qbw wrote
Yep. They are personally filtering and ranking billions of data point's everyday.
IAmTaka_VG t1_itt9gnp wrote
Pichai is the worst CEO Google and FAANG has ever had. It's jaw dropping how Google was one of the few tech companies to not absolutely explode in terms of growth given the insane move towards online.
Google has not launched a successful product since arguably the Pixel and that is meh at best. Everything they've created since Gmail has been absolutely out performed by other companies.
They are a titan and basically control the web and they can't do anything but continue to make search worse and jam ML into every little fucking thing.
He will be the downfall of Google and is an awful CEO.
What CEO hires 37,000 people and then proclaims we need to look at spending. How the fuck is this not resolved top down. I'm at a loss for words how badly Google has fucked up their position over the last 10 years compared to Facebook, Microsoft, and Apple.
Google is constantly playing catch up.
9-11GaveMe5G t1_ittd4kf wrote
I'll explain it slow for you: when you search "college A college B basketball" the results are heavily weighted by what previous searchers ended up clicking on. So if more people clicked on the men's result than did the womens, or other things instead of women's, women's gets demoted in ranking comparatively. Men's sports being more popular is just reality
tnnrk t1_ittduvk wrote
Yeah honestly the pixel might really be the last decent thing they’ve done in a decade or more. Is there something dope we are forgetting?
IAmTaka_VG t1_ittdzew wrote
Waymo? About the only thing they’ve done that hasn’t sucked yet.
Outrageous_Monitor68 t1_ittg6vz wrote
He is not a founder. He is a bureaucrat. Brilliant one too
Better suited to running a GE than a Google.
ILoveThisPlace t1_ittgndf wrote
Google maps
ILoveThisPlace t1_ittgul2 wrote
How dare you, no one will ever discover South Korean Pingpong with that mentality.
9-11GaveMe5G t1_itthsr8 wrote
>no one will ever discover South Korean Pingpong with that mentality.
If it's women's ping pong, guarantee they already watch it. Porn ban over there makes ya watch crazy things
Kwolf23 t1_ittjgiw wrote
Don’t know why people are downvoting you. You are right. Look at the example of Google Translate translating gender neutral languages with obvious biases. (This problem has been fixed since.)
AI and algorithms are written by people, and people tend to have biases.
If someone can explain why this claim is being downvoted, I’d be interested to get some differing perspectives.
gold_rush_doom t1_ittkcrc wrote
Maps is older than that. I would think that Google Photos
minus_minus t1_ittnkhf wrote
Is it not clear to the casual observer that the Google culture of launching new products to get recognition and promotions is the direct cause of those products failure? Nothing will ever succeed in the market if the creators fuck off to the next shiny thing after the launch announcement goes out.
They need to incentivize things actually succeeding in the market and not just leaving beta.
tnnrk t1_ittnsdt wrote
Maps is in 2005. Google pixel was 2013, and then after that the next major thing they did was stadia (oof). However one thing I forgot since it’s not really a “service or product” in the same way imo, Google Assistant. By far the most successful thing they’ve released in the last 10 years. Successful in terms of product quality, no idea about revenue, but basically all of they best products were in 2008 and before. Sundar became CEO in 2015 and Google assistant was 2016, then stadia.
So yeah he has one successful thing under him since then. There might be more but past decade, pixel (which is no small feat) and their focus on smaller software products for the pixel have been pretty good. However I doubt the pixel has been a large revenue source for Google.
InvisibleEar t1_ittnz6d wrote
Google will stop cancelling new products after a year when Valve makes Half-Life 3
[deleted] t1_ittpfqx wrote
Ok-Wasabi2873 t1_ittrmzl wrote
Isn’t the average Googler only there 13 months? So they’ve already lost around 34,000 of the 37,000 hired.
ghoonrhed t1_ittzbww wrote
Launched in 2015, Pixel launched in 2016.
ghoonrhed t1_ittzpuu wrote
I really liked Google Trips, it was great for going on holidays and having everything in one app. And it was made after the Pixel. But can't be counted since it was killed by Google as usual
CardioKillsYourGains t1_itu01i2 wrote
Alyx was episode 3.
Frag0r t1_itu0lzq wrote
It's so hilarious, I thought they have been saving money since the beginning, but now they drop projects even sooner!
First sprint review: "Oh Noes! We got a merge conflict" ".. Pack it up boys, we're done! This leads to nowhere!"
CMD ~ del UberMessengerApp-v0.001-pre-alpha.apk
Frag0r t1_itu0rv9 wrote
Probably one of those places where you apply only to have a FAANG position on your cv.
dracovich t1_itu3e5o wrote
yeah i've bene burned too many times, i won't use any new google product until it's a proven success (which hasn't happened for years).
ILoveThisPlace t1_ituayye wrote
Chrome has been s succeed as well. I'm sure that's older though
KSRandom195 t1_itufmcp wrote
First Beta was 2008.
KSRandom195 t1_itufnha wrote
Waymo hasn’t launched.
ILoveThisPlace t1_itufp6u wrote
Chrome book?
[deleted] t1_itufuyu wrote
pheoxs t1_ituuoe9 wrote
Hey now don’t forget about google buzz / wave / plus. They really hjt it out of the park with that one …
Semi-Hemi-Demigod t1_ituw88p wrote
> Pichai is the worst CEO Google and FAANG has ever had.
Pichai isn't throwing tens of billions of dollars on a VR rewrite of Second Life. Now with legs!
IAmTaka_VG t1_ituxa4h wrote
you're right, he's throwing ten's of billions of dollars into projects and then scrapping them a couple years later.
Say what you want about Zuck but at least he commits to a fucking project.
AzulMage2020 t1_ituz5zf wrote
Been in Tech for over 30 years. When they break out the word "granular" it means they are getting desperate. Any more corporate speak and Id be heading for the hills and not looking back.
barrystrawbridgess t1_itv8agk wrote
This is what I've been saying for years. Sundar needs to step down and a Lisa Su style leader put in his place.
barrystrawbridgess t1_itv91og wrote
Typical corporate speak when companies are desperate:
We need a "top down" "30,000 ft" "360 view" that generates "return on investment" of our "core competencies" to create "synergistic" "disruptors" in the industry using "the dangling carrot" with a bunch of "value adds"
Extreme_Address7043 t1_itw24k6 wrote
Yeah. I feel Waymo might get the Boston dynamics treatment from Google. Idk if it makes them money, it does consume a lot of it though.
yaosio t1_itwvo5p wrote
Enjoy this song about mission statements in business.
[deleted] t1_itsrlnt wrote