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Weird_Cantaloupe2757 t1_iu8oh4a wrote

It's not xenophobia, the CCP is a hostile foreign power, which makes their spying a national security concern in a way that spying by domestic companies just doesn't.


ButtFuckingGermans t1_iu8pi14 wrote

When the NSA spies on other nations: 👍

When other nations do the same: 😡😡😡


Weird_Cantaloupe2757 t1_iu8q1qk wrote

Uhh... yeah? How else would that work? It's information warfare, so they need to hit the other guy, while also doing what they can to keep them from hitting us. I'm not sure what kind of point you are even trying to make here.


whosthisguythinkheis t1_iuckult wrote

The point is that privacy should work FOR us if it is to work at all.

The fact that TikTok can do this type of surveillance shows that the US was happy to let it happen when they were in control of the info.

The US and it’s social media companies enabled this kind of exploitation in our phones and our tech infrastructure somehow completely blindsided to the fact that any other country to exploit it too.

Now they have and suddenly it’s a big deal.


ButtFuckingGermans t1_iu8utk1 wrote

We are at war?


Weird_Cantaloupe2757 t1_iu8vf5w wrote

Not officially, but from the perspective of the intelligence agencies at least, we absolutely are. It is a much quieter type of war, but it's war nonetheless.


benito_fusilloni t1_iubyzsd wrote

Well, you see, we’re using Ukrainians to fight our proxy war so we’re not actually having to get our hands dirty so we can claim innocence.


saanity t1_iu8si07 wrote

I have no love of China but if you aren't seeing a pattern of constant anti Chinese news from the media, your aren't paying attention. Bombarding news feeds with articles like this are how Americans opinions are swayed.


f_crick t1_iu9afvz wrote

It’s a totalitarian state with no free press that persecutes millions of their own people. The press reporting on their crimes doesn’t mean one should support them.


Alberiman t1_iubwsfu wrote

And if they didn't have this app they'd just buy it from american companies instead. I guess it doesn't count as supporting totalitarian regimes if the regime puts money into american bank accounts?


Weird_Cantaloupe2757 t1_iu8v4t7 wrote

Because the global political situation has changed. We have seen how much harm Russia has been able to do to the west with disinformation, and they showed us with Ukraine that these types of hostilities need to be taken more seriously. We have a similarly adversarial relationship with China, and the last 6 years has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that we can't just ignore it and try to just wallpaper over it with trade.

If anything, we were seeing too little anti-CCP news before out of a naive hope that capitalism would eventually resolve these issues, but the amount of success Russia has had in subverting us shows that we ignore it at our own peril.


K1nsey6 t1_iu9j8s5 wrote

It's how they manufacture consent for their war crimes


JmacTheGreat t1_iu9ljzm wrote

> war crimes

China literally has modern day concentration camps running, and people in this thread are trying to say not to be too mean to them…

Edit: this user literally believes Russia is the heroes that are defending their rights in Ukraine instead of massacring innocent civilians lol - not worth anyones time to keep engaging


mrbaryonyx t1_iu9r1rf wrote

no no you dont understand, the fact that journalists report on those means the media is trying to brainwash you

the right approach american journalists should take with Chinese atrocities is to not talk about them at all! you know, like Chinese journalists do!


K1nsey6 t1_iu9vbsu wrote

But concentration camps are OK when they are called for profit prisons in the US, right? Where states are REQUIRED under contract to have a specific level of occupancy, that disproportionately target minority communities.

Most of what you THINK you know about China is manufactured for the benefit of US imperialism.

But sure, China bad.

US media reporting on China, vs reality


JmacTheGreat t1_iua2361 wrote

A side-by-side comparison of twitter images, through an imgur link, is a laughable way to prove your point.

And while the US prison system is bad and needs reform, comparison to literal internment camps is extremely ignorant.


K1nsey6 t1_iuaj1xj wrote

You are using western media to debunk claims of western media manipulation? That's the laughable part


JmacTheGreat t1_iuajhmc wrote

Wikipedia is literally peer reviewed and constant checked and rechecked for the sake of accuracy… You are trying to compare it to like CNN/Fox lmao.

You sound like one of those people who are convinced Russia is the heroes of the Ukraine war because thats what “real media” is saying.

Edit: Damn Im right lmao


K1nsey6 t1_iuarma4 wrote

I never claimed Russia was a hero, I said Russia is defending itself FROM US imperialism.


JmacTheGreat t1_iuaxer5 wrote

By blowing up Ukraine hospitals and flattening civilian cars with their tanks.

Such bravery


asdfafdsg t1_iu8z59d wrote

Then limit usage of the app in sensitive areas (military bases, etc) and call it a day. Everyone spies on everyone else, I'm not buying the narrative this is something regular people need to be afraid of because warmongering "think tanks" in DC said so.


Alberiman t1_iubwlfb wrote

Oh please, like China can't just buy the exact same data from american companies? It's not like there's strict rules on this shit or how we store it, there's 0 incentive to police a Chinese company when we won't protect even a shred of privacy already