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sadetheruiner t1_iy65yok wrote

I hope I’m wrong but I can just see in my mind frat boys vandalizing them. I won’t go into details what went through my head.


DHKdohyun t1_iy68af3 wrote

The robots will be monitored either in-person or remotely so I would imagine unsolicited vandalization will have consequences


cleeder t1_iy71a18 wrote

Feel like that somewhat defeats the purpose of the study.


RunescapeAficionado t1_iy8fmdl wrote

I think most college students are probably smart enough to understand that an expensive autonomous robot probably has cameras and gps


StrangeCharmVote t1_iy7chwy wrote

No, it doesn't.

People should already know vandalism carries consequences.


HolyAndOblivious t1_iy7qw06 wrote

Yest it does. You want to know how much wi they get vandalized when unsupervised


StrangeCharmVote t1_iya7wr5 wrote

And the answer is already exactly the same amount everything else does unsupervised.

People already know there are consequences if caught.

Why would you possibly think a study would be dismissed, when the devices themselves are already covered in cameras?

Seriously, think about what you're saying.


HolyAndOblivious t1_iyawnb2 wrote

No. You really want to measure. The difference between science and screwing around is measuring this appropriately and having a log.

For it to be valid knowledge ot needs to be tested


StrangeCharmVote t1_iybaw2u wrote

> No. You really want to measure. The difference between science and screwing around is measuring this appropriately and having a log.

You seem to misunderstand something.

I'm in favor of the study.

The dingus i was replying to, thought having robots which were observed, would invalidate the study on robots... which pretty universally are already under some kind of observation.

I thought that opinion, was dumb.

> For it to be valid knowledge ot needs to be tested

And how are you going to validate anything when you're literally excluding the possibility of tangible results if an event occurs?


FlametopFred t1_iy7cz9v wrote

hopefully for all the Jan 6 participants and organizers 🌝👍


StrangeCharmVote t1_iya81u5 wrote

> hopefully for all the Jan 6 participants and organizers 🌝👍

No shit. What does that have to do with this though?


Potemkin_Jedi t1_iy6jpjd wrote

It’s not necessarily the same thing, but the university where I work has been using autonomous food-delivery robots on-campus for a few years and everyone has treated them with respect as they navigate around. Now the app-powered scooters that were littered all over campus…those have ended up in various bodies of water and some sturdy trees.


sadetheruiner t1_iy6lxef wrote

I’m happy to hear the food delivery bots are treated with respect, not that I feel current technology has feelings or sentience, but purely from the standpoint of ignorant destruction for the sake of destruction is a bad trend for humanity. I can’t even sit in an ivory tower on this one I was a stupid teenager and even now I get satisfaction from breaking down cardboard for the recycling.


Potemkin_Jedi t1_iy6n09j wrote

It’s interesting because the delivery robots are roughly dog-sized (knee-high and longer than they are tall or wide); I find myself treating them with the deference of service animals, so maybe their appearance has something to do with how they are treated.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_iy8dpaz wrote

> but purely from the standpoint of ignorant destruction for the sake of destruction is a bad trend for humanity.

I mean, it's been going' one for about 65,000 years, sooo...I wouldn't really call it a "trend" so much as "the status quo".


9-11GaveMe5G t1_iy6rzru wrote

They should make it a movie where the drunk frat guys take the robot partying having the night of it's life like an 80s movie with the nerdy kid but instead it's a robot