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mmarollo t1_ix5lxrf wrote

That’s nonsensical. American companies are all “capitalist”. Capitalism can’t “take over” because it’s the underlying system for the entire planet other than a few desperate places like North Korea.


bigheartbiggerdick97 t1_ix6g85n wrote

The word capitalism is meaningless in this site. Everything people dont like is capitalism or communism


CocaineHammer t1_ix7r4jn wrote

That's because Communism's bad and so is rampant capitalism it's just some people tend to lean to far to each side.


iCantPauseItsOnline t1_ix6nhrh wrote

well comments like this certainly don't help


ganja_and_code t1_ix7e4xi wrote

They certainly don't hurt. If there's a problem, it's better to acknowledge it than to ignore it lol