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HomelessAhole t1_iy2esvt wrote

Or because it doesn't have any NSA backdoors just chinese ones.


newaccount47 t1_iy2l7ur wrote

I'm all for Chinese tech being blocked in the US - for numerous reasons - but I'd love to see some more hard evidence.

Keep in mind - there is no separation of corporation and state in China. The CCP doesn't go through a court when it wants data from a tech company. It's not that "the CCP is in bed with the tech giants" - it's that the CCP IS the tech giants.

We are rightfully critical of US tech that puts in backdoors for the US government, but would you buy a phone that was essentially built by the NSA? That's essentially what you're getting when you buy Huawei, ZTE, or Xiaomi.


Frogmarsh t1_iy30ut7 wrote

As a federal government employee, any purchases I make must come with a guarantee from the provider that they do not use technology from about a half dozen Chinese tech companies. We’ve been excluding business with American companies using these Chinese tech companies for more than a year.

It’s a real pain in the ass.


nova9001 t1_iy34h66 wrote

>I'm all for Chinese tech being blocked in the US - for numerous reasons - but I'd love to see some more hard evidence.

Followed this issue for almost 10 years and the US government has never release any evidence. Basically Iraq has WMDs kinda of thing.


[deleted] t1_iy4gwze wrote

Valid point. I think a lot of people have given up on the idea of their data being secure though. I used to have a Huawei phone (not anymore) and it was purely an economic decision.

The NSA has every single text and phone call I've ever made recorded at a giant data server in Utah so I figured I might as well save some money.

I totally understand how dangerous it can be for government and tech companies to work so closely together, but I have not heard a convincing argument for why the CCP having my data is any more dangerous for me as an American than the US government having it.


KilgoretheTrout55 t1_iy57oix wrote

The United States is desperate for competition in the smartphone market. this is frustrating