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t1_ixlx4qv wrote

Does it not have a last name? If not, my vote is for it's full name to be Leonardo DiCoputero


t1_ixlthzi wrote

The End is Near!


t1_ixlvick wrote

Good. This slow armageddon is taking too long


t1_ixlwr6m wrote

I’m with you, tired of dial up Armageddon.


t1_ixltuli wrote

What computer was leading our world before ? And is that why there have been so many bugs and glitches?


t1_ixo53zp wrote

None of the "supercomputers" that countries are claiming are "supercomputers" are actually "supercomputers." They're just commodity server hardware boxes connected together over a network.

This whole "we've got the fastest supercomputer" thing that's been going on since the 1970s is just a big dick waving contest to see who can fit the most PC servers into a data center.


t1_ixpk5i2 wrote

It seems the term has changed with the technology... But you haven't.


t1_ixlx6q2 wrote

Weird saying it’s world-leading while it felt directly on number 4, and it’s not even top10 on FLOPS per watt.


t1_ixq5fxy wrote

Exactly. Frontier is still number one, with it being yet the only exascale supercomputer so far.


t1_ixna8bp wrote

Crappy article with no technical details

Cool computer


t1_ixng5ok wrote

By nature I’m leaning socialist. The older I get the more capitalist I become. I hope this great device is put to some good use and we all gain from it. We have everything needed to live in a healthy happy planet, yet here we are.


OP t1_ixw33q3 wrote

What does this have to do with socialism/capitalism?


t1_ixw6tqo wrote

I was rambling. My country made something of a science hub, but as the whole project was run by the state it ended up suboptimal. So I was thinking on the fact this supercomp is asvertised as “Italian” and the sole mentioning of a national state when it came to a super efficient device gave me the creeps. Overall it was a stupid comment I guess :) but that’s more or less the story behind it, lol.


t1_ixnyu1v wrote

They just rubberbanded 10003 old smart phones together.