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GreenAdvance t1_iyee14s wrote

Doesn't matter how efficient your hydrogen power plant is. Producing the hydrogen itself is extremely inefficient. It requires massive amounts of power.

There are far better storage options for power than hydrogen. Hydrogen has it's uses, but electricity generation and passenger vehicles aren't it.


BallardRex t1_iyeemn1 wrote

What is your better storage medium for energy than hydrogen, which can work at the scale renewable-generated Hydrogen can in existing pipeline infrastructure?


GreenAdvance t1_iyef3hz wrote

Flywheels, pumped hydro, batteries, and compressed air are all superior storage methods to hydrogen.

Hydrogen also cannot use the existing pipeline infrastructure. For that synthetic methane would work while being more efficient and actually cleaner than most hydrogen sources.


LuckyEmoKid t1_iyejlg7 wrote

Flywheels for grid-scale power storage? You're out of your mind.

Compressed air? Very lossy on account of the compressible fluid.

Pumped hydro is great... if you've got the necessary geological features nearby.

Batteries? Well... maybe.


GreenAdvance t1_iyefm9a wrote

How so?

Your link is paywalled and if you can't explain it yourself you don't actually know what it says anyway.


BallardRex t1_iyeghjb wrote

I already gave you the short explanation, the article contains the details which you’re welcome to read or ignore. As far as paywalls yeah, real work takes money, it isn’t free.

I can however link you to a non-paywalled Q and A with the author which addresses your and some others concerns.

Edit: And another paper from the same author, Dr, Langston.


GreenAdvance t1_iyeh5vg wrote

> I already gave you the short explanation

Got it. You have no clue what your talking about and are deflecting. "You're behind the times" is not an explanation. I'm done here.

EDIT: /u/ersatzgiraffe I have to edit to respond due to user blocking:

There are plenty of uses for hydrogen and this sounds like a much better way to produce it at first glance. My point wasn't that hydrogen is bad, just that it's a bad for electrical storage and passenger vehicles.


ersatzgiraffe t1_iyejmut wrote

Japan is working to produce hydrogen as a byproduct of their new meltdown-proof nuclear reactors. It actually may be a new era re: hydrogen generation, because yes, in the 2010s it was incredibly foolhardy to bother electrically creating hydrogen to convert it back to running an electric motor when you could just use electricity directly. This video is three weeks old, so maybe things are changing?


DonQuixBalls t1_iyet99h wrote

>Hydrogen can in existing pipeline infrastructure?

It can't. Hydrogen atoms are insanely small, and hydrogen makes metal brittle. It requires it's own infrastructure.


CaliforniaF0g t1_iyekr6y wrote

Let me introduce you to algal H2 production:


lonewolf420 t1_iyesl9x wrote

any industrial scale algae photobioreactors in working order outside of a lab? sure it might work but at what scale would be needed to run a nations energy grid or consumer car infrastructure?


CaliforniaF0g t1_iyev7j4 wrote

At scale 10% of the land mass currently devoted to growing soy could produce enough H2 to replace gasoline. So about 8 million acres.

It’s doable but Elon Musk cast his lot with lithium batteries.