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GWtech t1_ixychm8 wrote

I hate to be a downer but if you've ever known anybody with cancer who's passed away from things like this you know that those months of prolonged life are filled with doctor visits and the terror of whether or not your treatment is working.

And even if the side effects aren't bad the mental trauma that the patients are going through as they get a treatment that might give them a chance that they're hoping for a cure from that they have to then wait a month to see if they're going to get a cure or reduction in their cancer leaves them basically on pins and needles for the remaining months of their life.

No, I'm not saying it's wrong to have these treatments because certainly every scrap of life that you can claw back is important to people who are dying and I have no doubt that if I was in that situation I would probably scrap for every moment of life as well.

But what I am saying is when something says that a treatment prolongs life for months or even a year it's wrong to think that people are taking a treatment and then they're having a wonderful life for those months or years. They arent. They aren't getting their old life back. They're entering into some weird new nerve-wracking state of existence filled with Hope and dreams all pivoting on the next doctor visit every single week or month that this goes on. If I was diagnosed with cancer if I had the courage and the smarts I personally think again if I had the courage the wise thing to do really would be to take whatever last vacation trip or do whatever thing you really wanted to do before you died and enjoy that last period of time rather than fighting for a few extra months under those other circumstances.

There are certain cancers that they absolutely have been able to cure now and that's certainly worth doing. But these treatments that only promise a few months of extended life are in retrospect probably not the best way to spend the last few weeks or months of your life.


Wonderful-Hour-5357 t1_ixyvvhx wrote

Wow you are so brave to say this I always thought the same way of course I never had cancer but I think I don’t want the he’ll these poor suffering people go through fuck cancer


GWtech t1_iy98w20 wrote

Had a few people die of cancer in my arms. Heard all the doctor stories. All the talk about brand new treatments and experimental treatments and trying to get into the latest new treatment that in the 6 months that you're diagnosed with cancer might just possibly be different than all the other experimental treatments that have been going on for the last 40 years that didn't do much. I mean they have had some success. But it's just cause me to be very skeptical.

There been some huge breakthroughs I think like gleevac for some forms of leukemia which is apparently just been a effortless cure and a pill and there may be some others I'm not aware of but I don't know. Things like prostate cancer and colon cancer if you catch them early or almost trivial now so catching things Early is important.

Anyway that's all I know. I'm not a doctor and it's not medical advice it's just my own personal thoughts.

I'm also met two people who have survived pancreatic cancer which used to be a certain killer so they're apparently some treatments now little take care of that so it just depends on when they're diagnosed and you got to do a lot of research and find out what really works.