BallardRex t1_iydm7ix wrote
Even by the standards of online echo chambers, they live in their own little world.
[deleted] t1_iydn1xg wrote
OKC-RADRNATN t1_iydpie8 wrote
The Chinese folks may care but we have been out of lockdown and that was literally a weekend excursion for Oklahoma. Life don't stop for anything. We die or we live that's all there is tbh. Fear is the govts weapon against us.
[deleted] t1_iydpxpm wrote
Cheap_Amphibian309 t1_iydr7d8 wrote
What is this comment trying to say?
KingSash OP t1_iydrhty wrote
Ives estimates the ongoing supply disruptions at Foxconn’s Zhengzhou campus were costing Apple roughly $1 billion a week in lost iPhone sales. The troubles started in October when workers left the campus in Zhengzhou, the capital of the central province of Henan, due to Covid-related fears. Short on staff, bonuses were offered to workers to return.
Payutenyodagimas t1_iyds4z5 wrote
Except that there are vaccines already that could help people not to die
[deleted] t1_iyds52h wrote
ConcernedCoke t1_iydss81 wrote
That I guess people in Oklahoma don’t care if people die so they can continue being selfish fucks?
EliDrInferno t1_iydsvh7 wrote
You seem stable
thisispainful76 t1_iydubuk wrote
As someone from outside the US. Why is everything about left and right? Is that really the only way you guys split on issues? It’s so weirdly them and us it makes me wonder if you’re all just kinda tribal or something.
[deleted] t1_iydudf1 wrote
ExoticIncident5112 t1_iydv3s9 wrote
“Herderpaderp ferk da gubermint but go Murica”
Adorable_Wolf_8387 t1_iydv4sa wrote
Gotta die to something. May as well be the Chyna virus.
Chetmatterson t1_iydv5ps wrote
nah it’s just that the people who buy into it never shut the fuck up about it
roox911 t1_iydvat7 wrote
It's the most polarized place I've ever lived. For everything.
[deleted] t1_iydve3c wrote
thisispainful76 t1_iydvl1v wrote
Not gonna lie that sounds as deranged as any left pro right thing I’ve ever read.
Sudden-Ad-1217 t1_iydwbl8 wrote
Markets about to explode 🤯
yipmog t1_iydxw3n wrote
“Freedom is not merely the opportunity to do as one pleases; neither is it merely the opportunity to choose between set alternatives. Freedom is, first of all, the chance to formulate the available choices, to argue over them - - and then, the opportunity to choose” - C Wright Mills
Basically a summarization of one of the many key problems in our current system, you are given two extreme choices on a nuanced issue and must decide all or nothing on that issue, even if it goes against your interest or values. Almost every solution requires some degree of discussion and nuance, which is completely lost in this day and age.
[deleted] t1_iydz300 wrote
SuperToxin t1_iydzc6b wrote
It’s happening in Canada as well. Our right wing nut jobs think what is happening in China is the same as what the liberals did. They are so deep into conspiracy.
[deleted] t1_iydzng6 wrote
Imperium_Dragon t1_iydzvgg wrote
I guess trying to compare China to Oklahoma. For what reason, I’m not sure
foldingcouch t1_iye0cbc wrote
Because the Republicans realised that it was a lot easier to convince people to vote against Democrats than for Republicans.
Tribalism is exactly what they want. The goal is to have their supporters reject anything that comes out of the mouths of Democrats solely on the basis that a Democrat said it.
The goal of the GOP is to turn the US into a one party state like Russia and Hungary. That's not an exaggeration, that's stone cold facts.
foldingcouch t1_iye0sja wrote
They all get their orders from the same source.
Flamesilver_0 t1_iye0tby wrote
One side is Man U the other is Chelsea
Sl4sh4ndD4sh t1_iye1lwh wrote
Those new workers were then told those bonuses would not be granted right away, only after they had worked there for x amount of time, which triggered the new workers to leave too.
BuddJones t1_iye1v1p wrote
AoiKururugi t1_iye2mr6 wrote
They just keep accusing each other of doing the same thing. Article is about China lockdown but everything has to be about US politics lmaooo.
Themoastoriginalname t1_iye52bq wrote
Well eveyone has left and right views no matter the country...some are more extreme some are stupid ...some don't even know what's the actual truth but they go towards what benefits their ideology. Like for a small example conservative here in the US which mostly go with Republicans...they think that Church and state should be together but they don't know that they found fathers of the USA wanted separation of church and state. The extreme one think that probably Jesus was white also. I hope you start seeing a pattern .They don't belive that climate change is real also ... Probably your country has its nuts too.
Designer_Librarian43 t1_iye75so wrote
It’s programming that allows people not to think too deeply but most people don’t realize it. The tactic is to just take a word and attach a general negative connotation to it and then drill it into the public until it’s thoroughly absorbed. From there, you just invoke the word anytime that you want to demonize anything whether or not the issue fits the label. I’m generally skeptical anytime someone speaks from view of right or left, conservative or liberal, etc.
KS_YeoNg t1_iye8bf1 wrote
It's because of the two party system. All you can do is vote against the party you hate the most.
grinch1225 t1_iyebetx wrote
Guess they are admitting that if they kept it up, the people would overthrow the CCP
[deleted] t1_iyec1fw wrote
SUPRVLLAN t1_iyedwow wrote
Why do people keep parroting this in posts where we’re literally talking about the issues that seemingly are being censored?
These topics have been visible and openly discussed for weeks now since the protests started.
wypowpyoq t1_iyej1mu wrote
I think the relaxation of zero-covid policies are too little, too late. The political turmoil caused by the CCP's disastrous policies have already shifted the overton window significantly, such that Chinese social media is full of posters who are saying that zero covid needs to be abandoned. There could be a long term boost to dissident movements.
obroz t1_iyelfaa wrote
Because people hear something once and they start parroting it without any actual investigation of their own. It’s why disinformation is so dangerous
GoldWallpaper t1_iyem9xc wrote
Yes, that's why there no thread here for you to comment on, genius.
GoldWallpaper t1_iyenfdj wrote
> Why is everything about left and right?
Because our Republican politicians have no actual policies (seriously!), and they've learned that they can get votes from stupid people by just creating strawmen to attack. One of those strawmen is "whatever we're pretending libruls want."
This isn't just happening in 2022; the Republican 2020 platform was literally, "Whatever Trump wants!"
I know that a Republican would read what I just wrote as "See - they're against us!" I'm not. I have actual policies that I support, and long-term goals that I think the country should be striving towards. I believe it's pathetic that the US spends more per capita on education, health care, and criminal justice than our peer countries and get worse outcomes across the board. That makes me the enemy in their very small minds.
/lifelong conservative, but too educated to vote Republican
edit: I should add that I was just in the UK, and it was just as bad there. In fact, I saw tons of people on the news there blaming Biden for their economic woes. lol
GetOutOfTheWhey t1_iyeoshk wrote
two party state
Right or left only.
9-11GaveMe5G t1_iyepodg wrote
But muh oppression!!!
Hot-Gabe4004 t1_iyeqf6p wrote
Great news everyone can have IPhones for Christmas now 😬
US_FixNotScrewitUp t1_iyeqwob wrote
Payback for Apple turning off that non-monitor-able communication feature.
PseudoWarriorAU t1_iyersf5 wrote
Yeah fuck I feel like I missed the boat. The Global Times had an article a few weeks ago that has boned the idea. I guess within the next few weeks they will let slip the dogs of war.
Feeling_Glonky69 t1_iyety7d wrote
Lol, this guy’s still wondering if the us is basically just tribal politics at this point.
No shit, bro.
You know except for those of us that DGAF. All you hear though are the loud mouth idiots on “both sides”
ObscureD_Lee t1_iyeu15h wrote
They aren’t worried about people. Ccp worried about business and their image. Ccp has no issue mowing down a crowd of people, Tiananmen Square is how they will handle the people if the issue isn’t affecting business.
cynicalsalad t1_iyeu5ub wrote
Except we were locked down for a month in the cities here so I have no idea what they are saying.
young_spiderman710 t1_iyewaqc wrote
Exactly . Apple and others were losing billions. Money is king.
[deleted] t1_iyezs6l wrote
Pleading-Orange168 t1_iyf1nbc wrote
Sure they did
robdiqulous t1_iyf2eje wrote
One side respects facts. The other side is turning down life saving surgery or blood because they can't prove the blood wasn't vaccinated and instead literally choosing to die. They are not the fucking same.
[deleted] t1_iyf43c1 wrote
AnnualInspection t1_iyf4att wrote
Yeah, I’m not convinced of that.
fuzzyshorts t1_iyf4zhw wrote
americans sees everything as "winning" or "losing". They're like children that way.
Tearakan t1_iyf7a5s wrote
True. But mass discontent has been used by political leaders and generals in the past to stage ultimately popular coups.
It's always pretty dangerous for a regime to be in charge if you are pissing off a large majority of your population and threatening their livelihoods.
YEETMANdaMAN t1_iyf8a82 wrote
Bruh this is china
grinch1225 t1_iyf8fya wrote
And what is your point?
Throwawaystartover t1_iyfc4dp wrote
On the internet, it’s always right vs left. In reality most of us could give a shit about either. Reddit is always the first to blame something on politics, even when it has nothing to do with it. The sun is hot “fucking republicans”, ants are soaring in numbers “democrats did this!” Etc etc.
I’d like to believe that most of these political spewing weirdos are paid trolls/bots.
Lopsided_Web5432 t1_iyfch58 wrote
Holy shit they’re starting to figure it out
ARI2ONA t1_iyfcokc wrote
Where tf you get that info from? QAnon?
thehazer t1_iyfcssx wrote
Aren’t there like a billion Chinese people who aren’t even party members? Seems like quite a bit of people to mow down.
Agreeable-Meat1 t1_iyfedf6 wrote
But Xi just reaffirmed his power. If ever there was a time he could come down with an iron fist, it's now when the entirety of the party is still at his back.
thenewyorkoffice t1_iydk9hg wrote
The right has been working overtime to compare this to US reaction to COVID. Demanding that Biden denounce it, basically saying if he doesn't then it proves our point that this is exactly what the left wants.
The right is nuts.