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t1_iwz555h wrote

Can we vote to end daylight savings? My alarm clock knows what the new time is, but my dog doesn't.


t1_iwzcq6c wrote

It has to go. Daylight Savings is terrible.


t1_iwzf8ge wrote

Daylight saving time is amazing and should be made permanent.

Normal time (where it gets dark earlier in the evening) is what needs to go.


t1_iwzg3hg wrote

I’m with you. Let’s end time.


t1_ix0pl2a wrote

This 100%. Glad CA voted for this. Morning light is awful. I block it with blackout blinds, but it still makes its way in. I need it far more in the evening after I am off work. I don't want to go for a nice stroll after work if it's pitch dark.


t1_ix1iq66 wrote

Living in Minneapolis, day light savings is my favorite time. Screw normal time. It's dark when I get up with or without it. I'd rather the sun set at 5pm instead of 4pm to at least watch the sunset when I get off work....


t1_iwzkwjk wrote

Better it get dark in the evening than be dark late in the morning. Permanent DST is antagonistic to human circadian rhythms. We need sunlight to wake up and keep our internal clocks in sync with solar cycles.


t1_iwzot57 wrote



t1_ix0dtqx wrote

Yea I never got why we can't just all decide that work is 9-5 from spring to fall, then 10-6 from fall to spring. Why was it ever determined to be easier to have everybody physically change the clocks, and account for it in every database and computer program, rather than just changing our schedule around the time?

Especially in the age where you can look up a company's hours online.


t1_ix001r1 wrote

That’s just idiotic. It’s far more important when sunrise and sunset take place than when noon takes place.

Edit: I imagine you must live towards the south, don’t you?


t1_ix02k99 wrote

Guess what, sunrise and sunset are symmetrical around noon on standard time. Funny how physics and geometry work. Given our modern day living habits, it’s generally healthier to wake up with the sun since you’re going to use artificial lights in the evening anyway. You always have the option to get up and work earlier if you somehow prefer to use lights in the morning.

EDIT: I currently live near 40 deg North latitude. When I lived below 30 deg latitude, work and school hours generally started at 7:30 or 8:00 AM and ended accordingly. Changing the clock because you’re too ignorant to understand seasonal and solar cycles is stupid.


t1_ix0qe0k wrote

Guess what, society is structured around having more free time at the end of the day than at the start. I'd rather have more sunlight hours then so you dont have to drive home in the dark and can't do shit outside.


t1_ix01xo7 wrote

Daylight savings time is actually horrible for you.


t1_ix0c443 wrote

Maybe in the summer. But in the winter if it got dark at 5:30 instead of 4:30 my circadian rhythms wouldn’t suffer. But my mental health sure does with the current system


t1_iwzcx4y wrote

The struggle with our dog is real. Where’s my breakfast humans, hey , hey, I’m hungry it’s an hour late where.. is.. my… breakfast!?!


t1_iwzo5ov wrote

Doesn't even have a purpose here. It's dark when you wake up, and it's dark when you get off work.

All that hour does is fucking up your sleep-scheduelle.


t1_iwzxxku wrote

saving, not savings


t1_iwzycys wrote

I'll use the correct term when the practice of observing it ends.


t1_ix0dj10 wrote

OK I get it. I hate the switch back and forth too. Personally, I'd like it to be permanent DST.

Anyhow, I was replying to your comment because so many other commenters below were saying 'savings'.

I'm trying to educate, not hate.


t1_ix0dnfc wrote

>I'm trying to educate, not hate.

No hate assumed. I'm all in favor of TIL moments.


t1_ix0g695 wrote

And while we're at it, is it really saving daylight? I guess for all intensive purposes, it could be argued that the daylight helps you to see better for critical jobs.

So 'saving' the daylight to the ladder portion of the day would allow daylight at times when you need to climb on the roof and clean out gutters, or something.


t1_ix10nqt wrote

Maybe that's why they haven't ended it. The DST Gods are pissed at us


t1_iwzv09a wrote

I don't care if we keep DLS or drop it for Standard time... Just pick one and stick with it already!


t1_iwztnvq wrote

Nah I love daylight savings.


t1_iwzyyn2 wrote

The practice of changing the clocks forward has a significantly significant impact on increasing heart attacks and deer collisions.


t1_ix14cfi wrote

The practice of ensuring daylight occurs in the day reduces attacks on people in the early and late hours.

Without DST, it'd be dark outside when most people at mu lattitude finish work. They'd be walking home in the dark. What wonderful targets.


t1_iwzzhfc wrote

Not my problem, I don't drive. I like it when it's brighter outside for longer in the evenings in spring and summer.

I also like when we change the clocks back in the winter. I like that 1 extra hour of sleep that night.


t1_iwzzw4m wrote

>I like it when it's brighter outside for longer in the evenings in spring and summer.

It's brighter for longer in the summer regardless of what your clock says.

I'm also a little irked by how brazenly you proclaim "I don't care if it actually kills people".


t1_ix013p7 wrote

Yeah it's brighter for longer and it's brighter for even longer with the time change. I like that.

If I had to care about every single thing that kills people, I'd have to care that stairs kill people. Electricity kills people. Fans kill people. Doors kill people. Tide pods kill people. Hotdogs kills people. Hot water kills people. Water kills people. Dumbells kill people. Stoves kill people. Showers kill people. Bathtubs kill people. Sound kills people. The sun kills people. Candy kills people. Plants kill people. Trees kill people. Fireplaces kill people. And so MANY MANY more things.


t1_ix1cgat wrote

You know I'd agree with you but also.

But then again i can't after Mexico ended daylight savings, to "go back to god's schedule" it was so stupid that I'd rather just leave the schedule as is.


t1_iwzpqxo wrote

They did, it ends next year.


t1_iwzqehf wrote

I know it passed in the Senate, but I don't believe it's been passed by the House.