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BelleAriel t1_ixn2fhi wrote

Good and solidarity with the workers. They need to start treating them better.


[deleted] t1_ixnnnwe wrote



ibond_007 t1_ixnssai wrote

Amazon is not the richest company. Amazon retail doesn’t make any money infact it is losing money. In fact Amazon was the first company ( don’t bring Costco in this conversation ) to raise the hourly rate. Now Amazon pays around $18+ per hour. Amazon still pays way better than Walmart in terms of pay and benefits.

Folks who complain how can some one live with a livable wage with $36K gross the answer is not to keep raising the salary but bring the housing costs down as it costs up more 50% of the income for these earners.

How to fix housing? Rent control doesn’t work. Intead shift the incentives for builders and home owners and charge a premium for rental owners.


EasterBunnyArt t1_ixnunx9 wrote

Or have the government actually build rent controlled buildings instead of expecting for profits to solve issues through altruism.


bikesexually t1_ixoz7jj wrote

The easier and better solution is to have a progressive property tax rate. 1-2 house you pay normal rates. 3-5 houses you pay 5% more. 6-10 houses you pay 10% more. Etc. Those will reduce the number of massive holdings/hoardings and slum lords while increasing available funds for the locality.


demmian t1_ixpaidy wrote

Won't that be avoided through nested companies, that each hold just 1 property?


EasterBunnyArt t1_ixpwzm6 wrote

Exactly, which is what is happening already. You need to remove tax breaks from nested companies and apply them to all if they are under an umbrella. I recall last year or so Germany had a report on one company having like 50 nested companies.


UniversalEthos53 t1_ixoibvd wrote

This exist. It’s called government housing.


ibond_007 t1_ixox5y7 wrote

Govt housing is for namesake. There should ramp this up more.


UniversalEthos53 t1_ixpujj3 wrote

Actually it’s pretty common. We have a few really nice (way nicer than a lot of the apartments) in TN. Thought they were for rent but couldn’t make more than 30K jointly or single and couldn’t be in school. 1500sq ft for 600$ a month utilities included. It was at this point the lady let me know it was government housing. Place was nice as shit.


NeverInept t1_ixpxfka wrote

I’m pretty confident that government project housing has been a disaster in the US. Did you grow up in the projects? Would you like to?


EasterBunnyArt t1_ixpygyy wrote

There is a difference between intentionally failing and the overall idea being useless. Just because Republicans have been gutting public investments for decades does not mean other nations haven’t made it work. Hell, a preliminary search in my corner and it seems most government housing is just financing private housing these days. We even have the discussions on NPR here and it will be private building going forward with mandatory fixed affordability. So all in all the public access will still be private but with some expected to be available for cheap. At least for a few years and then we tend to forget about it.


_unfortuN8 t1_ixomfbu wrote

> charge a premium for rental owners.

Would this cost not be passed down to renters?


ibond_007 t1_ixon5d4 wrote

Yes and no. Depending on how you do it. Make the second home or rental home taxes 2-3X of the primary home. This will de incentivize to rent or have second homes. Similarly being a tax code to tax rental property incomes with a higher percentage.

With low interest rate all the corporations and rich guys can afford to buy more homes and rent them. First home buyers don’t have a opportunity to get into the game.


fire_cdn t1_ixpa69e wrote

As someone at the earlier stages of building a real estate investment portfolio, I suspect that raising property taxes will in some ways just get passed onto renters (I assume that's what you mean by the first portion of your moment), but maybe not

I do agree that adjustments to the tax code are needed. I suspect most of the public would want sudden drastic changes unlikely to actually come into law. Instead I think that the changes need to be gradual. Most real estate investors (especially small to medium sized investors) build their wealth over decades through tax advantages. Sure some quickly flip homes but there's also a lot of risk in that.

Depending on the market, some get lucky with property appreciation but it often make very little cash month to month or even "loses" money. Others focus on markets that cash flow very well but don't appreciate much. Then of course there's the quality of neighborhood where the cash flow is inversely proportional to the quality of the area, quality (aka risks) of the tenants.

Anyways, most properties these days cash flow $150-300 per door per month after all expenses (and appropriate budgeting for repairs etc). It's not much. The power comes from limiting or not paying any income tax on that $150-300 per door per month. For example, you can sometimes write off property taxes. Other common write-offs include mortgage interest, property depreciation (that can be spread out over 27.5 years or accelerated for more write off in a short period), repairs, etc.

If the property appreciates and you want to sell it, in theory you should pay capital gains tax. Although the rate is fairly low, you also get hit with "repaying" the property depreciation that I mentioned above.

The loop hole is that you can do a 1031 exchange. Essentially you have a small window of time to sell the property, turn around, and reinvest that same amount of money into another property (or multiple properties adding up to that same amount). When you do this, you do not pay capital gains tax nor repay the property depreciation. These owed taxes get passed forward until the property is sold not using a 1031 exchange. However, you can apparently do this until you die and pass it onto your children who can indefinitely repeat this, deferring taxes. The owed taxes may even disappear when you die? Although that's so far ahead I haven't consulted an estate attorney yet.

I think that the tax code needs to slowly go after the 1031 exchange. There's been some talk about this for years but no government wants to truly commit since let's face it, they likely directly or indirectly benefit from this through their network.

Oh another fun loophole. If you have a full time W2 job but your spouse stays at home/works part time, you can potentially claim that the spouse runs your real estate portfolio. They can get this special status where they can pass up to 100% of the extra unused tax write offs from the properties onto the working spouses W2 to offset that income tax. Versus above where you still pay income tax from your W2 job but likely owe nothing on your real estate income.


li_314 t1_ixpilvt wrote

It doesn't affect the demand for rental housing, so I don't see why it would.


RebornPastafarian t1_ixolwva wrote

Amazon pays slightly better garbage than other places. It’s still garbage, and they should still be paying more.


ibond_007 t1_ixomiyo wrote

I agree but Amazon takes way more blame. Walmart employees were permanent recipients of food stamps! But no one talks about it.

Again my point is we can’t keep raising the wage as inflation goes up along with it. We have to bring the costs down especially housing costs.

Nationally we need a goal to build X amount of low cost homes to house all the people. US population is growing healthy compared to other western countries and we have to make the lives better.

Bad mouthing the billionaires is not helping. These billionaires switch side to Republicans and want to fuck us even more. Elon is the recent example who switched sides purely because of unionization efforts!


RebornPastafarian t1_ixosu99 wrote

…no. Walmart being shitty does not excuse Amazon being shitty.

“We can’t keep raising wages” is a moronic thing to say because we have not been raising wages. The paltry increases of the last few years is still significantly less than they should be and monumentally less than the wealthy have given themselves.

Costs are not rising. Corporate profits are rising more than inflation.

The billionaires are the problem and need to be badmouthed. And by badmouthed I mean we need to fucking eat them.

Stop fucking trying to excuse this behavior with “but Walmart is even worse!!!!!!!! Stop being so mean to amazon!!!!!!”


Not_Scechy t1_ixp7176 wrote

They lose money because they can afford to in order to increase market share. Not of the kindness of their heart.


Frooonti t1_ixoxxw2 wrote

>Amazon still pays way better than Walmart in terms of pay and benefits.

Yeah because they literally run out of desperate people they can exploit.


[deleted] t1_ixoqagl wrote

Amazon IS the most profitable company. It has its dominance in many sectors, for example Amazon web services. Retail may not be as profitable but its intangible as it brings customers to other services.


kweer t1_ixpam9o wrote

>Amazon IS the most profitable company.

It is not even in the top 5 most profitable companies.

The most profitable is Apple, but all of their blue collar work is done by wage slaves in Asia.


[deleted] t1_ixpg4vp wrote

True technically, I meant that i find arguments of not increasing wages because a company is not the “top” somewhat glib. It certainly has the means.


xelop t1_ixnoef0 wrote

yeah, i'm unsure why this is in technology and not in /workersstrikeback

the only thing i can think hearing that headline is "good"


Slomojoe t1_ixnty1k wrote

They thank you for your solidarity


[deleted] t1_ixn5amw wrote

Right. Only then will amazon reduce the cost of oil, food, and housing.


LiliNotACult t1_ixn9edp wrote

I think it has more to do with bathrooms and not treating employees like disposable robots


Redditallreally t1_ixne24h wrote

Or it will lead to more robots (automation). I would love to hear people’s opinions on this!


antwill t1_ixnmqt9 wrote

If it could lead to more robots they would have done it by now. They aren't hiring these people out of the kindness of their heart.


toddthewraith t1_ixnnahq wrote

Depends on the facility too. It costs a LOT to replace a warehouse, and if you're in the traditional sort network they can't automate a lot of the stations without rebuilding the whole warehouse.


Hyperian t1_ixofpam wrote

Using automation as a defense against better working conditions for people is a misunderstanding of why we want automation.

Robots will always replace people if they can. Even if people are slaves. Slaves get sick, they have to eat, they have to sleep. Robots won't have any of that.

All the depressing wage does is make automation happen slower, but it's gonna happen anyway.


ProfessionalNovel366 t1_ixnhtz8 wrote

“Amazon air is unfair, Mr. krabs is in there”


butterserver t1_ixnsmlh wrote

“What is he saying?” “Idk but he’s gotta megaphonee”


Cobram242 t1_ixo7mji wrote

“No one cares about the fate of labor as long as they get their instant gratification.”


AnxiousAtheist t1_ixnhf4i wrote

Has anyone made a sub for technology yet?


Negafox t1_ixnix29 wrote

This is the Amazon and Elon Musk subreddit.


azdood85 t1_ixp87l4 wrote

Next post in this sub will be about great black friday deals on Amazon.


ibond_007 t1_ixntbvy wrote

Don’t put Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk together. Jeff Bezos is a business man just like Sam Walton. But Elon is a scumbag who wants to fuckup democracy on the world!

For folks who support Elon and think he is neutral. Look at today tweet where he picked on the Left! When was the last time he tweeted that right is fucking our country? Where is his tweet about insurrection? Elon is a slimy scumbag who cares about protecting his wealth.


Mushroom_Flaky t1_ixnz1sm wrote

Found the bezos simp


Guywithquestions88 t1_ixo8bh0 wrote

To be fair, there really is a big difference between them. One of them is a fucking moron with a lot of money and the other one is Jeff Bezos.


Cakeking7878 t1_ixo7yp3 wrote

Both are equally bad, one is just more public about how bad they are


kweer t1_ixpa71z wrote

>Don’t put Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk together. Jeff Bezos is a business man just like Sam Walton. But Elon is a scumbag who wants to fuckup democracy on the world! > >For folks who support Elon and think he is neutral. Look at today tweet where he picked on the Left! When was the last time he tweeted that right is fucking our country? Where is his tweet about insurrection? Elon is a slimy scumbag who cares about protecting his wealth.

I think you might have been too subtle for this sub.


[deleted] t1_ixnvgr5 wrote



Chobeat t1_ixnwbvd wrote

He won't but just because he's not capable, not because he doesn't want to. He's friend with plenty of people that are more actively and more aptly sabotaging western democracies. First and foremost his paypal-mafia friend Peter Thiel.


[deleted] t1_ixnx1mz wrote



ibond_007 t1_ixnynsi wrote

I stopped responding to those Elon idiots who have their head up Elons’s ass. They are the MAGA nuts in Elons’s space. Inspite of any proofs you give they still believe Elon is genius and savior of mankind and media is hurting him!


YawaruSan t1_ixo3vbm wrote

Amazon made Alexa that’s technology… oh wait…


AndyP8 t1_ixo5pw3 wrote

Wtf does this have to do with Technology?


kweer t1_ixpacmu wrote

>Wtf does this have to do with Technology?

Welcome to r/unionnews comrade.


mrzurch t1_ixobjaf wrote

Everyone do the world a favor and stop giving money to Amazon.


mnemy t1_ixo9f58 wrote

Countries? Black Friday is celebrated world wide? That makes no sense.


postal_tank t1_ixobewy wrote

“Celebrated”? - no; there are discounts - yes.


ShiggyGoosebottom t1_ixsb9ty wrote

American retailers have exported it. I’m in a small city in Japan and saw Black Friday signs on the entrance to the department store connected to the train station. Nobody lines up or goes bezerk like in the USA, but retailers do try to lure people in with discounts. And of course Amazon has had Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. So other online retailers try to compete. I was very happy to hear the Amazon workers here have joined the global strike.


M_Mich t1_ixoefdm wrote

and reddit put an amazon BF ad right under the article


NH_Living_Free t1_ixqyffz wrote

Literally happens every year. Not news.


jdith123 t1_ixo8z0z wrote

I hope everyone is joining in. But Reddit is filled with advice on getting the best Black Friday Amazon deals.


Matchew024 t1_ixp2dkl wrote

The post office will pick up their shift. 😫


[deleted] t1_ixqvtsf wrote



AutoModerator t1_ixqvtto wrote

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[deleted] t1_ixnd8q2 wrote



StressAgreeable9080 t1_ixng2dd wrote

This has a lot to do with technology. Amazon is the largest e-commerce company and as mentioned above is investing a ton in robotics and logistics.


ParanoidAndroid98 t1_ixng6z0 wrote

Ever heard of a little thing called AWS...runs like 90% of large businesses right now.

>Zero to do with tech my fuckin ass


DevilishlyDetermined t1_ixnggsm wrote

Yep, I sure have. I also read the article where it explicitly says warehouse workers.


DarkCosmosDragon t1_ixo8x0w wrote

Yea thats not how any off this shit works... Id advise making sure of your logic before going all in next time lmfao


[deleted] t1_ixo9r74 wrote



AutoModerator t1_ixo9r8d wrote

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hdksjabsjs t1_ixq8tzb wrote

If you work in retail Black Friday is more like Big ol Black Friday; that 425lb 6’7” African American gentleman you had to shower with in prison


Bearet t1_ixqfsvg wrote

Don't buy a physical Gift Card. The odds are that it won't be recognized by Amazon and then it may be discounted. I haven't tried digital e-cards because I am not that brave or foolhardy. Just say no to Amazon gift cards. BTW: I am in the third month of trying to get a card recognized by Amazon.


Own-Opinion-2494 t1_ixqhdrr wrote

Bezos says he’s going to give away 128 billion when he retires or whatever. How about throw a few billion at the people who are working for him now. That’s insane


DrainLars t1_ixpyman wrote

It is nuts that this company is owned by one of the richest people on the planet. That space trip isnt going to pay itself though lol..


Productpusher t1_ixnzsom wrote

Is it going to be as eventful as the ones in the USA where 12 people protested outside last year


slams-head-on-desk t1_ixohptl wrote

I’m boycotting Black Friday sales everywhere because I can’t afford shit I don’t need right now.


ECK-2188 t1_ixocupg wrote

Fuck Jeff Bezos give ‘em’ hell boys.


FromFartToPoop t1_ixo2zjp wrote

Fuck Amazon. I don’t understand who keeps using it. I mean I get prime delivery but the shit they sell is just made in China junk.


cavan47 t1_ixn65sv wrote

Going to get down voted for this but they are competitive with other warehouses for most states and compared to other places it's not very demanding. Yes you are doing repetitive tasks and standing in one spot all day but they have accomodations if you have medical conditions or pregnant where they will provide you a chair or lower your expected rate even. Before amazon I never had a job where I can just put time in and it auto approves you with no hassle of a manager trying to convince you to come in. If people want to unionize more power to you I just don't understand what there lacking.


SupahSang t1_ixn86kz wrote

You mean the warehouses that managers forced them to keep working in despite tornado warnings and hurricanes, and snow storms and heat waves? The warehouses that, in Germany, employed 3rd party security that turned out to just be a bunch of neonazis? You mean the warehouses where the employees felt so much pressure they were considering suicide? The warehouses that see double the amount of injuries compared to non-Amazon warehouses?


cavan47 t1_ixos4j0 wrote

If there is a tornado outside you need to stay indoors they teach you this in elementary school. The facilities have ac and heaters and are temperature controlled usually around 78 degrees most warehouses from other companies don't have ac. I am not familiar of with the Germany incident you may have me on that one. And as for suicide they literally offer free mental health counseling what else do you want them to offer for that? Rates have never been an issue there just there to make sure your actually working for your shift because some people literally hide on the bathroom all day and it takes them weeks to get fired.


Ganjookie t1_ixn792c wrote

You do sound like a Corpo shill


cavan47 t1_ixoxxfl wrote

Just a bored l3 that has been treated far worse elsewhere looking for answers.


cavan47 t1_ixn82md wrote

So what would you want out of a union than?


745395 t1_ixne5qn wrote

How about being treated like human beings?


TheCallousBitch t1_ixo7rag wrote

Serious question: what do you do for work that pays more, same or better health benefits, with better conditions, without training/certification/education/years of experience?

Not arguing - genuinely asking.


ScfAnarchy t1_ixny80r wrote

The fact that shills can’t even use correct grammar 😂


cavan47 t1_ixoqhz5 wrote

So instead of trying to have a conversation all you can think about is my Grammer stay a tier 1 than act your wage.


[deleted] t1_ixoc5or wrote



cavan47 t1_ixoxf96 wrote

You can think whatever you want of me but the fact is your avoiding the hard questions and probably don't have any good answers. Everyone acts like amazon is the worst but when asked how it can be fixed you decide to make fun of them how do expect anyone to take you seriously.


bluefast95 t1_ixn8n87 wrote

The fact that everyone moves a few hundred products around a day ranging from $2-$500 and only get paid bare minimum the drivers get paid less than any other mail or delivery company and warehouse workers same. For the richest company in the world they could add at least a couple dollars an hour on their wages.


TheCallousBitch t1_ixo7s95 wrote

Serious question: what do you do for work that pays more, same or better health benefits, with better conditions, without training/certification/education/years of experience?

Not arguing - genuinely asking.


cavan47 t1_ixoujcn wrote

Amazon as a whole makes money but about %90 of the profit is in aws that's where I'm trying to go. Raises could definitely happen but in the current economy where we are closing sites and letting go of people I don't see raises happening for any warehouse workers especially sense they just gave everyone $1 raise at sites in my area early oct. I know not everyone got that much but those site were already above $15


destraight t1_ixnnsey wrote

Yeah you're not foolin anyone with that. I used to work for Amazon and the company was shit and it will always be shit. I hated being a palletizer, and I especially hated being a water spider. Those packaging carts would always get overfilled and if I wasn't careful enough boxes would fall down and hit my head. Fuck that place. I got out with my head and brain still intact. I can't say the same for you though


TheCallousBitch t1_ixo7qkm wrote

Serious question: what do you do for work that pays more, same or better health benefits, with better conditions, without training/certification/education/years of experience?

Not arguing - genuinely asking.


cavan47 t1_ixotv9y wrote

It's not meant to fool anyone. I am genuinely asking and that sounds like a bad experience where safety should have done something about overfilling carts but ops sucks so we have to escalate it ourselves. Water spidering is not for everyone but some ppl love it bc all the do is flirt. I make decent money as a l3 now I'm not planning on leaving.


[deleted] t1_ixne6ac wrote



TheCallousBitch t1_ixo7ssh wrote

Serious question: what do you do for work that pays more, same or better health benefits, with better conditions, without training/certification/education/years of experience?

Not arguing - genuinely asking.


cavan47 t1_ixor5l6 wrote

That is the point of me asking please go into detail this is a forum for discussion please enlighten me.