
EasterBunnyArt t1_j9qjfl5 wrote

Devil’s advocate:

While he is technically correct that a dead child does save the taxpayer money, why stop there? Why not just remove all government support and taxation the . Let people fend for themselves?

Oh wait, we are supposed to be civilized and care for each other….. that awkward moment when you publicly reveal your contempt for human life is awkward…..


EasterBunnyArt t1_j85c715 wrote

I would add that you should also make sure both of you put in the same amount of effort into attaining the goals.

I have an ex who absolutely hated every party of keeping a house clean. So I became the de facto maid as well as the primary care taker of the animals.

Eventually I asked her if all she has to offer is her home but doesn’t contribute to keeping it clean, why would I want to be with her? If I am also paying into it on a monthly basis I can easily find an apartment with less of a mess to deal with.

Trust me, put in the effort into your daily life otherwise you just become useless to the other person and they will question your worth in the relationship.


EasterBunnyArt t1_j67x6q0 wrote


EasterBunnyArt t1_j64ks9c wrote

Honestly I will have to look into it, but as I said this was over a decade ago and on some Discovery channel or History channel documentary from when they actually still showed scientific material.

So basically this information might be massively outdated or having been disproven by now. Which was why I had mentioned the date of the information / when I learnt about it.

It could have been just a sensationalist documentary and then never retracted.


EasterBunnyArt t1_j622xct wrote

You wouldn’t notice from a nature standpoint, but our tech might notice it.

The reason why we have never noticed it is because during the Roman times the poles switched sides.

I forget the archeological report from maybe a decade ago but supposedly looking at the overall iron matters in old clay remains and they noticed the alignment of the iron minerals having slowly shifted when comparing them over a few hundred years.

I think it was the earliest historical confirmation after we discovered that the poles move every ones in a while a bit around.


EasterBunnyArt t1_j621xlb wrote

Here is a quick summary on the topic from one of my side projects:

we need to differentiate between Skynet AI (which is unlikely to occur anytime soon, and even if it will just remove itself from our reach) versus Frank Herbert's Omnius (forgot how to spell it) AI where it is just super advances software that serves a select group of people and wants to enslave or kill the rest. That AI was never able to break from its original programming and kept performing the same tasks over and over again.

Skynet on the other hand was a similar dumb idea but at least be flexible in finding new solutions and ideas.

Which one is more likely in our current interconnected world? A true AI that cares about us or one that is controlled by a select few?


EasterBunnyArt t1_j51c9yi wrote

Wasn’t this known for like a decade by now? I vaguely recall documentaries and such a long time ago.

Hell, we all had a screeching fest when China, and I want to also add Philippines to this as well, stopped “recycling material imports” from the legal and illegal sector,

I think Europe still dumps, I mean sells their waste to Africa and India to make itself look cleaner.


EasterBunnyArt t1_j25luuf wrote

Okay, and no one ever walked into a door after someone badged in? Fucking ever?

Dude get off your high horse and embrace reality.

Aside from our mutual snark at each other, there are myriad ways to get into buildings. Physical penetration companies exist for a reason and some have shown that conventional security measures are easily beatable even for casual individuals once you know their weakness.

I liked the one video where a security door had a motion sensor on the inside and would unlock so people did not have to swipe to leave.

Turns out that if the doors is not properly sealed simply vapping into the crack can trigger the motion sensor and open the door from the inside.
