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sidran32 t1_ixioafl wrote

It's incredibly useful for those in software development. It's been around for many years now.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_ixircln wrote

Wouldn't this further obstruct Linux potential adoption and bring costumers back to that old monopolistic dinosaur that goes by the name of Windows?

I want Linux to succeed on its own, not to be swallowed up by the worst OS on the market.


lubits t1_ixirsln wrote

Wouldn’t it do the opposite? It greatly reduces the barrier to experiment with Linux. I imagine the net effect would be a lot more positive.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_ixiscxi wrote

I feel that the only barriers for Linux are:

  • Why so many distros? And

  • How do I get this on my machine without risking a panic attack?

At least for your average non-savvy user. Having Linux programs run on Windows removes these barriers, yes, but also removes the hassle of changing OS, which is kinda the only way Linux can survive.

A person out of ten that yesterday would have made the switch now won't do it. And that's one less user for Linux.


tapochkis t1_ixj4ys9 wrote

WSL2 isn't equivalent to running Linux programs on Windows though. You're running an actual linux kernel so the linux environment still benefits. I find it covers 95% of dev needs for Linux and actually is a good gateway to making the switch to full linux from windows


MentalOcelot7882 t1_ixjq8c3 wrote

I just recently installed ChromeOS Flex on an HP thin client that figure claims it will support until 2030. I prepped this machine for a client whose HR manager is a security nightmare ("If I see it, I'll click on it"), as well as someone who just won't learn the basics of Windows and miraculously crashes her home PC on a regular basis. After reviewing her app usage and what she needs, I threatened to replace her computer with a Chrome device the next time she broke something. So when she did, I quickly replaced it and showed her how she would work from then on.

It's been almost 2 months, and nary a peep. I think that, as more stuff becomes web/cloud based, the need for the average user to use Windows is going to diminish. Does this mean we can peel those users off and put them in front of a Linux distro? No, I think ChromeOS is going to be a prime example of what they will flock to, be it as a tablet, Chrome stick, or when they figure out that their Android phones can use a docking station to simulate a desktop (think Samsung's Dex). While it will be Linux, per se, it won't be the Linux desktop that we've been evangelizing for over 20 years.

Everyone will interact with Linux, but never realized they are. We're already there now.


Mediocre-Roll7189 t1_ixmjp38 wrote

There's the fact that shit breaks and most shit that professionals use doesn't work.

I run fedora desktop as my daily driver at home but I would absolutely never recommend it to anyone that isn't a developer.

I dual boot for games and camtasia. Although I'm just debating going back to windows at this point.


Ok-Welder-4816 t1_ixjhg3g wrote

It'd be nice if IT departments didn't block it, though. I get red scary pop-ups every time I open VS Code, because it tries to run WSL for whatever reason.


ThatOtherOneReddit t1_ixip47g wrote

Have they fixed the filesystem compatibility issue they I produced in WSL2 that broke file change detection for volumes? Until they do that ... Containerized development on windows will continue to suck.


allredidit t1_ixkzeyl wrote

Windows Subsystem for Linux sounds like a way to run Windows programs on Linux, while it's the opposite. Confusing.


2MegaWhats t1_ixmd9oy wrote

It might be confusing because the term "subsystem" isn't something people are familiar with. On Windows NT (Windows' kernel) a subsystem is a set of APIs and an environment that software can run under. On Windows you typically use Win32, Win64, or WinRT but NT is not limited to those, it can support basically any software if the environment is written for it. In the past NT also supported OS/2 and it even had an entirely different *nix subsystem called Interix. WSL is basically the replacement for Interix because it was extremely obsolete and was barely used at all.


VincentNacon t1_ixisuir wrote

Cool.... but I rather keep using Linux as my main OS.

Nice try, M$. No means no.


no-longer-banned t1_ixk74ge wrote

I enjoyed WSL so much that I ended up switching to Linux exclusively. Thanks Microsoft!


Heres_your_sign t1_ixj9np2 wrote

I'm not sure what this article is talking about. I've been using X with WSL for years. It was a huge pita to set up, but it worked.


nachodaddy0107 t1_ixie3lh wrote

but why? does anyone care to use widows on linux? i left windows for a reason.


[deleted] t1_ixijqvx wrote



BA_calls t1_ixl368y wrote

As I understand it, it’s a hypervisor running as an application on windows?


Caraes_Naur t1_ixin4wn wrote

People call me crazy for saying this, but I think MS decided a few years ago to slowly transform Windows into a GUI layer on top of Linux, with some compatibility stuff added to keep the transition as seamless as MS can achieve. I expect the transformation to be complete within a decade.


iapetus_z t1_ixiq694 wrote

The CEO basically said that a few years ago when he took over. Most of their azure money is coming for the Linux side I'd imagine. They don't even have a true desktop client in azure. You have to install the server version.


iapetus_z t1_ixiq7jp wrote

The CEO basically said that a few years ago when he took over. Most of their azure money is coming for the Linux side I'd imagine. They don't even have a true desktop client in azure. You have to install the server version.


BA_calls t1_ixl3d74 wrote

You are describing MacOS which essentially a GUI running on modified BSD. Yes MS saw how they were bleeding developers and compsci students to Apple because for years they insisted on powershell bs.


Heres_your_sign t1_ixjafns wrote

I already have that, it's called a Mac. Only gripe is that it's a FBSD derivative, but it is the most stable unix-based development platforms on the market.


Vin_Diesels_Dead_BF t1_ixijzaq wrote

Seriously? This allows you to run GNU/Linux apps on windows. (It literally says this in the article). I specifically use it to run Linux containers on windows (docker). WSL advancements are most welcome.


UnkindlyDisagree t1_ixilngv wrote

I think this will be an Android Subsystem part II.

I mean nice in theory, but pretty useless for the vast majority of people. They should focus on more relevant stuff, like Windows on ARM.

I, as an average person, can't think of a single linux-only app that I would want or need.


MarcellM888 t1_ixitgj3 wrote

This is not for you, 'the average person'. This meant for developers whose develop on windows but have to test/deploy into linux. They can do it now within windows, as they can use remote development from the windows host into the wsl2 instance with VSCode or VS. Microsoft is focused mostly on developers/companies, because they bring them the big money, not the average home user.


eviltwintomboy t1_ixijln4 wrote

Me too. I think it’s that there are programs that only run on one or the other.


BA_calls t1_ixiosw0 wrote

Yes, developers like me who are forced to use Windows for work (but also kinda like VS Code).


GopnikBurger t1_ixjxfuj wrote

vscode runs on Linux too.


BA_calls t1_ixk9v2m wrote

Yeah but the lazy bums at msft only keep the Windows version good.


anlumo t1_ixkf5qa wrote

I'm using it on both Windows and Linux regularly, and I can’t tell a difference. It’s a web app running in electron, after all.


BA_calls t1_ixl2qpd wrote

Maybe my $5k dell work laptop has more hp to run a electron web app than my personal 2016 mbp haha

In any case, i work for a faang+ company as a web dev the i was pretty much forced to use windows. I know at least one dev uses his linux desktop but he’s much more senior than me and one of those linux wizards. Other than that we had to use windows.


anlumo t1_ixlnxh1 wrote

On Macs, my personal experience has been that the small amount of RAM that the basic models ship with (8GB) isn't enough to run an Electron app next to anything else on the system. This might be why you're having issues on your MacBook Pro.


BA_calls t1_ixmzejp wrote

I have 16gb but it’s always full anyway


Glittering_Stock6272 t1_ixiqvgr wrote

Why not? I really like the way Windows innovated the search bar, by showing advertisements, and selling my data. /s


aquarain t1_ixisvlb wrote

No. You can run Windows in a VM. Which is where it belongs.


distilledfluid t1_iximstw wrote

Cokesi....The Coca-Cola you remember, now with new Pepsi flavor.
