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HinduHamma t1_j1uqhkd wrote

Boo fucking hoo.

They literally made billions and have insane build up in the one inventory that matters : money.

They can fuck right off if they expect some kind of subsidy/handout


strugglebuscity t1_j1v2p63 wrote

They’ll shift a bunch of that inventory to the US warehouses and then totally get a subsidy out of the gracious chipmaker funding allocated recently.


bigmattson t1_j1w0zpj wrote

You say that, and i agree with you…. That handouts coming


sign_up_in_secondss t1_j1wuzp9 wrote

>They can fuck right off if they expect some kind of subsidy/handout

they were already bailed out with the CHIPS act


Kaladin3104 t1_j1xzz4q wrote

That was a bribe to get manufacturing of the latest chips to be done in the US because of the whole Taiwan issue. It was not a bail out of any sort.