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Ancient_Persimmon t1_j03ypjk wrote

You keep dodging the question as to what exactly you're not believing and you're accusing me of not arguing in good faith?

Tesla is the company that's making this truck, I'm just telling you to stop anthropomorphicizing it. We don't say GM is a her because Mary Barra runs it, or Ford is a he because Jim Farley's at the helm. Musk is repeating the official specs, just as they would do the same.

The specs are:

500 miles range Tri motors Less than 2kWh/mile efficiency 0-60 in 5s unladen/20s at full load 82k lb GVWR 1+ MW charging (10-80% in 30 mins) 1KV electrical architecture Able to maintain hwy speed up a 5% grade

Which are you disputing?

The only things left open ended are exact pricing, power and the weight of the tractor, which are things we'll know once they're thick on the ground. Pricing is irrelevant at the moment, since all of them are going to the large fleet operators that put orders in. It's also kind of vague since those fleet operators are buying Superchargers and Megapacks alongside the trucks in a package.