
steve329 t1_j03w6zx wrote

You know exactly who I'm talking about when I say he. You're not arguing in good faith and I'm not interested in having an argument with a Tesla fanboy anyway. I can't prove a negative either. If you have proof of all of those things "he" said--the very detailed specs that every other semi manufacturer provides-- feel free to post them. I'm sure the reddit community will be happy and your investment in $tsla will finally seem like a good idea.


steve329 t1_j03suw4 wrote

I'm not saying he's lying. I'm saying he has an incentive to provide details if he's telling the truth. If this all does what musk claims then it will be a potential game changer and he should be shouting that from the rafters. The fact that he's not giving any detail (which he has repeatedly done in the past for his cars) is highly suspect. And, no, none of these specs are "easily verifiable". That's what this thread is all about.