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Raalf t1_j1gsfps wrote

I can tell you personally I have watched over 3500 positions (probably closer to 5-10k but I'm going with confirmed rate drops by me firsthand only) in the last 10 years get outsourced to half or below wages to H1Bs. I'm sure that's just a minor number in your book but it sure as fuck looks large when it's in your city, your companies, and your field. Call it whatever you want but it's real and it's now.


uselessadjective t1_j1guo6l wrote

What you mentioned is H1B Consulting Firms NOT companies like Google, Microsoft, Tesla, Meta etc...

When you say you managed 3500 positions I expected you to have better knowledge of H1B Consulting Firms vs H1B Product Based Companies

You just desribed the problem. Most folks don't know these 2 types of H1B Companies and are way too over confident to pass a judgment


Raalf t1_j1gvmhf wrote

You're right. I'm dumb. I just speak what I see, which is rampant H1B abuse. No sense in me passing judgement over your self-imposed compartmentalization.

Simple solution: enforce the intent of the law. Pay above market wage to H1Bs.