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acroback t1_j1iy5h2 wrote

Just like you don't have privilege to own home. You need to work or earn that money to afford a home.

Life is tough, we all gotta work hard for it. Just demanding a high paying job when you don't have qualifications or attitude is shithousery of umpteenth degree.

Go on tell me how tech jobs are easy and any tom dick And harry can do it with 30 days of online boot camp, I am all ears.

Looks like you and me are living in different US.


quettil t1_j1pviqq wrote

> Just like you don't have privilege to own home.

Used to do. Housing was much cheaper, people could afford to move out of from their parents much younger. We weren't competing with hedge funds and migrants for housing.

>Life is tough, we all gotta work hard for it.

Used to be much easier. Why should we work harder to compete with migrants who have no right to be here? If a country doesn't work for its own people there's no reason for it to exist.