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compugasm t1_j1iu6vz wrote

So, message filters. And analyzing this data to derive some kind of social score. Automods will ban you for six months, all because you called someone a crybaby in group chat. There, saved you 6 minutes of reading.


sweetmorty t1_j1k8mti wrote

Getting down voted because no one on Reddit ever wants to read an article and everyone wants to jump to their own conclusions.

It's a moderation aiding tool. Activision did not say anything about auto banning anyone.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j1kc2vh wrote

Look if you want to play COD and really avoid anything that could possibly offend you then wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and don’t go in the chat, mute everybody


Juan_Carlo t1_j1khjju wrote

I don't want online games to turn into fucking reddit, where you get banned if you hurt a mod's feelings. I rarely encounter racism or sexism playing online games, but I'd rather people be able to say anything, even if it allows the occasional racist, than have everything censored away. There's just something exciting about a space where people can say anything. It's more......interesting.


danieltkessler t1_j1ki9cx wrote

I suppose Activision is a good partner for this in the sense that they have massive troves of toxic user chat content available that they could share with the research team for feature extraction and modeling.


dubiousadvocate t1_j1kjxdd wrote

I wish them the best. Short of genetically engineering better humans I don’t see it happening.


rykh7 t1_j1kldk1 wrote

Maybe they can team up and stop the "bad behavior" at Activision too.


neuronexmachina t1_j1km7f9 wrote

I believe this builds on some of the Caltech-based research group's prior work on detecting online trolling, e.g. Finding Social Media Trolls: Dynamic Keyword Selection Methods for Rapidly-Evolving Online Debates

>Online harassment is a significant social problem. Prevention of online harassment requires rapid detection of harassing, offensive, and negative social media posts. In this paper, we propose the use of word embedding models to identify offensive and harassing social media messages in two aspects: detecting fast-changing topics for more effective data collection and representing word semantics in different domains. We demonstrate with preliminary results that using the GloVe (Global Vectors for Word Representation) model facilitates the discovery of new and relevant keywords to use for data collection and trolling detection. Our paper concludes with a discussion of a research agenda to further develop and test word embedding models for identification of social media harassment and trolling.


jimbalaya420 t1_j1koe25 wrote

If you have a well made game that devs put love and effort into it will reflect on the player base. Also don't appeal to lowest common denominator even if it means more sales


theReplayNinja t1_j1koqno wrote

Or just better parenting but what the heck, let's do this other thing instead.


thewdfthr t1_j1krjvt wrote

Alright cool, let's start by not having item shops on day 1 launches- oh, you mean OUR bad behavior. huh.


catzarrjerkz t1_j1kvqcy wrote

Unless you make accounts your real name and face, this is never going to happen


Th3Docter t1_j1l52df wrote

Maybe they should focus on combating their own behavior first lmao


mydeardroogs t1_j1l5hy0 wrote

How do you combat bad behavior online?

Well first you make sure people aren't born to awful parents, in an awful neighborhood, in an awful school district, eating an awful diet, with an awful social circle, living an awful life, feeling awfully lonely, playing an awful game, with other awful people, with awful lives.

Lol, these people want to do the equivalent of giving homeless awareness ribbons to homeless people. Empty heads making empty marketing.


The_Sag3 t1_j1l7do1 wrote

Ironic coming from the company with one of the most toxic work environments in the industry


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j1lfkb3 wrote

If you get so hurt over people shouting random shit through a screen and somehow derive offense then that is YOUR problem. Yes ofc in a utopian society it wouldn’t even occur but it’s not that deep, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me”


PoppyOP t1_j1lg1tt wrote

It's just a video game bro why do you need to say slurs or defend people saying slurs?

It sounds like it's more the problem of angry gamers who can't control themselves from saying slurs since everyone else has recognized it's not great for gameplay or the community, since they're the ones getting banned.


ShrekJohnson27 t1_j1lgv95 wrote

It’s inevitable poeple will act shitty with the anonymity and safety of being behind a screen, getting offended over words said through a microphone is so incredibly soft and you give the trolls screaming it power by being so offended, my 2 cents


PoppyOP t1_j1lhe5g wrote

That's not true at all . If there are actual consequences for actions then you massively reduce the amount of toxicity in your online space. Eg, if your account gets banned completely so that you are locked out of online play. While there are workarounds sometimes you generally at least lose progress.

So like.... why do we need to tolerate that when we can just ban them. They are actively making the gaming experience worse and making the community worse.

What's the point in purposefully allowing toxicity in video games just because some loser gamers can't control their emotions?

Why do the rest of us who just want to have a good time and play the video game have to deal with losers having a tantrum over voice chat?

You don't give them power if you ban them after all.


PoppyOP t1_j1lkcvr wrote

Who's the one who are having issues with feelings? People that just want to play the game or losers who are so bad at the game and can't control their feelings so they have to act out and yell slurs at strangers online?

Maybe losers who can't control their feelings should just play solo, considering game companies have decided they'd rather have a "safe space" than losers having baby tantrums.


qoning t1_j1loac0 wrote

Truth is fixing toxicity starts with fixing toxic game design. Like why do I gotta watch someone else play and make mistakes for 30 seconds when I die? It's like the game is asking me to be toxic.


MoirasPurpleOrb t1_j1lr1gx wrote

I’m not defending it, but often these censoring efforts tend to be extremely intrusive and annoying. Minecraft is a great recent example of this.

But I don’t really care anyways, all the game chats are these days are people just playing music in the background. Anyone that actually wants to talk joins a party.


Then-Cod9185 t1_j1lslpw wrote

Does this mean they will be going after the people who expose Activision for paying cheaters to promote their game?


SpecificPay985 t1_j1lsps8 wrote

You can censor them yourself, it’s called mute. I played many online games, some of these people were funny to listen to as they had a total meltdown. If they got annoying I just hit the mute button. Problem solved.


Requiredmetrics t1_j1ltrah wrote

While it’s true it’s inevitable that people will act shitty that doesn’t mean we , as the collective community, have to tolerate the bad behavior.

The only way to truly deter trolls is to simply remove them. Play by the rules you get to play, don’t play by the rules you get banned.


Hdys t1_j1lu6cf wrote

Will they start with battle passes and predatory monetization?


Requiredmetrics t1_j1lujn5 wrote

lol where have you been? This has been an ongoing issue for CoD games going back to 2007 when Modern Warfare originally released.

But racism and sexism have been existing issues in the larger gaming community for years. I can testify to that through lived experience.

Friends can go a long way to help insulate you from the toxicity. But if you’re playing solo you’ll seldom get a break from it.


lexartifex t1_j1lve70 wrote

I don't mind them filtering for blatant sexist, racist, and homophobic behavior. Other games already do that including detection in voice chat. But if they think general trash talk is bad behavior, that is way too much coddling and antithetical to enjoyment of a competitive game. Sometimes people should get their feelings hurt. Sometimes kids need to be put in their place.


trippleknot t1_j1m03ys wrote

This is some weird trend I've noticed in the past year or so, mostly on gaming subreddits. People condemn the "snowflakes with feelings" for not using the mute button instead of condemning blatant racists and homophobes.


RentalBrain t1_j1m15c9 wrote

Sounds like a job for the Bully Hunters.


Str8Faced000 t1_j1m706f wrote

I do think trash talk should be allowed but it’s hilarious if you think anyone feels “put in their place” if you’d at something rude to them in a video game. It’s just going to make them mute you or be rude back.


Str8Faced000 t1_j1m7e35 wrote

People who yell racist/homophobic/etc shit in video games deserve to have their gaming privileges revoked. I mean steam account bans, ip bans, etc. if that’s how you act towards other people you don’t deserve to participate in a community.


mathheadjesus t1_j1maoul wrote

Fuck both of them. I’ll continue my bad behavior cause freedom.


Mnmsaregood t1_j1mcb0l wrote

Games are rated M but you better not say bad words


Requiredmetrics t1_j1mrfgt wrote

Slippery slope to what? In-game chat and even chat apps like discord aren’t public forums, you’re held to the rules set by the company providing the services. If you can’t abide by the rules they set, they reserve the right to remove you and revoke your access. Their goal is to provide an appealing service to the widest audience possible not cater to a bunch of toxic folks who can’t mind their temper.

If you can’t contain yourself, or at the very least mute yourself and you get banned that’s on you.


briarknit t1_j1n1e2q wrote

I don't get why games take away chat and scoreboards when you could instead just make it an option each user can enable or disable. I enjoy scoreboards because I can see how I am doing and how I can improve. I enjoy chat because I can plan things out with my squad