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ActualSpiders t1_j15zf1w wrote

I think a better explanation is that Musk is demonstrating that he's an emotional infant who makes terrible, poorly-thought-out, very expensive decisions, and nobody trusts a company run by someone like that.

I mean, if it was just the traitor thing, Fox News would have gone under years ago...


rfugger t1_j16lh51 wrote

The market for Teslas is very different than the market for Fox News.


MrE761 t1_j16lo4l wrote

You would’ve thought even last year, but I’m betting his recent behavior will change the minds of some.


ActualSpiders t1_j16u7i1 wrote

Yeah, that's why I said "if it was just the traitor thing..."

Although the Tesla market increasingly gives me South Park vibes...


kyflyboy t1_j17gx85 wrote

I'm no watcher of FN, but Musk has strongly motivated me to look for other EVs. No way am I supporting this MF.


SomegalInCa t1_j172bfs wrote

Well said. Elon always kinda bugged me but he’s so flipping self righteous in his stupidity it’s amazing