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thieh t1_j6ijtf6 wrote

Remind me how cutting jobs drive safety.


YeaISeddit t1_j6ixuje wrote

Safety of their products. In the article (yes I read articles like a loser) it is written that they want to focus their resources on fewer products so that each project gets more resources and is less likely to experience safety problems.


Bierbart12 t1_j6ikube wrote

Less workers to file a potential lawsuit against the company


skilliard7 t1_j6jaedp wrote

>To improve profitability while investing in safety, innovations will be targeted at "fewer, better resourced, and more impactful projects", Jakobs said.

Any time you make changes to an existing product, there are risks that it could introduce a defect with safety rammifications. So by limiting the number of changes to their product,(by axeing projects), it reduces the amount of opportunities for dangerous defects to be introduced.


thieh t1_j6jazuj wrote

Apparently they don't believe that FTE is a resource. Just redirect existing people to fewer projects so they have "Resources".


skilliard7 t1_j6jbop4 wrote

The problem is they also need to reduce costs in order to break even. They lost 1.33 Billion Euros last quarter. So some FTEs do need to be laid off to ensure that the company is sustainable.

They are cutting many products and reassigning people to fewer projects, as you suggested. It's just that layoffs are also happening.


yaosio t1_j6kvik2 wrote

By cutting labor it increases the safety of massive bonuses for do nothing executives.


release_the_krakin t1_j6lce26 wrote

These execs aren’t even trying now

The good thing is that this bullshit won’t work


Curi0usClown t1_j6m7530 wrote

don't need to make a report if nobody was there to see the accident.