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eldedomedio t1_j5gmkjs wrote

I have known teachers like that. Basic things like having a plan for what you are teaching and the resources to do it - these are fundamentals. If they need to have someone or something do it for them, I think they should consider another occupation.


Tomcatjones t1_j5gn6r5 wrote

I dont think you understand how much this helps them organize their own lesson plans while also generating new idea for them.

It’s a wonderful tool

And on that note: teacher ls are already underpaid and they usually make lesson plans a curriculum while not on the clock. This only helps them achieve a worth and value for their job. Cutting down out of school time.


3_layers_deep t1_j5h84lc wrote

Its useful for putting your plan on paper in a nice, clean format that other people can read.

> I think they should consider another occupation.

We already have a massive teacher shortage. Last thing we need is to push more to leave.