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Tatatatatre t1_j5gwm52 wrote

Yeah, and your metabolism gets all fucked up, and you become physically dependant on it.


Motopsycho-007 t1_j5hff2i wrote

How does it mess with metabolism? Growing up I'd go on prednisone 3 or 4 times a year for weeks on end for asthma.


Tatatatatre t1_j5j7yzm wrote

It makes you retain salt, make you gain fat and sugar more easily (with a diabetes risk) and you lose a lot of muscles.


[deleted] t1_j5i2kgk wrote

ive taken prednisone for cluster headaches and cant stand it


VoteCamacho2508 t1_j5i4xfh wrote

My favorite part is the oily face and pimples. I love going through puberty again.