Submitted by V_talks_alot t3_10euqde in technology
UnlikelyPotato t1_j4t8527 wrote
Something has value, and it's not the product or what it produces. It's you. You're basically paying $33 a month for a bread maker. Even worse, it's not even a unique idea. The value is in getting you to pay $33 a month and only that.
Noisy_Toy t1_j4t9jfm wrote
The product sounds great; the subscription, of course, is ridiculous.
Studmf t1_j4t9pt1 wrote
They should focus on making their other products worth using again.
Scipion t1_j4t9ypw wrote
Of course, that's why I call them out for the bullshit subscription practice. Subscriptions are a snake oil salesmans best friend.
kirijo t1_j4tb8uc wrote
I mean they sold Nest to Google, and Google does not have a good track record with hardware.
kirijo t1_j4tbbjp wrote
They should be paying users instead of that bulltwaddle.
Noisy_Toy t1_j4tbm6z wrote
Or the user just has lovely compost for themselves!
Achenest t1_j4te87f wrote
Everyone is complaining about the subscription but its the same as paying a company to pick up your scraps (common in cities where you cant home compost or have land to use it), similar to trash. The dumb part is trying to be sustainable but then shipping stuff around the country when it could stay more local
RobinWhitey t1_j4tegsx wrote
$33 per month to compost my half-eaten spaghetti-o’s? Bullshit.
KentuckYSnow t1_j4tgtgo wrote
Eat all the spaghetti O's, shitnintounthis contraption and use that for the compost. It would work better.
AmbitiousHedgehog313 t1_j4tgtx9 wrote
Ah, yes, more things to help us own nothing and be happy.
V_talks_alot OP t1_j4tmlsh wrote
From everything I read, I don't think it really has value. The company's goal is environmental, so the point of the feed is it entering the ecosystem again.
I would view it as more of a subscription service to reduce your carbon footprint pretty significantly as well as destink the kitchen trash.
V_talks_alot OP t1_j4tmpr0 wrote
It would be better if they offered both options, but they probably wanted to avoid offering a thousand dollar trash can.
Scipion t1_j4tn1ex wrote you think chicken feed is free normally?
I can't believe capitalism has people eager to pay a subscription for the privilege of giving their resources to another company.
bluehexagon1776 t1_j4tnslv wrote
Worth it to watch the YouTube video
V_talks_alot OP t1_j4tnvco wrote
No but chicken feed is like way less than a dollar per pound. So I can't imagine it is economically worth it to transport, quality check and sell.
Doing some quick math assuming each hold recycles 100 percent of waste that is 163 pounds (avg per household food waste) which gets reduced 50-75 percent. So you are talking MAYBE generating 25-50 bucks per household per year without considering costs.
_pooch t1_j4tnyos wrote
I hope its a upcycled bread maker that bakes your trash then grinds it up, so you can feel like you are composting. Yay! It is!
Compost for real and save the $ and energy
Scipion t1_j4tp476 wrote
You forgot to calculate your operating costs. Cost of electricity running the machine. Percentage cost of the food that goes in the machine (it's no longer waste since it has value now). Shipping and handling. Hourly labor costs for handling and packaging.
That feed is not free for you to make and provide by any means, and as you pointed out, actually has value.
It may sound small, but if you have 100,000 customers all doing this for a year, they are making $5 million in feed while paying $36 million in subscriptions plus costs mentioned.
These scams are how companies trick the plebs into siphoning more money and resources into the corporate machine.
Edit: you are literally renting a bread maker, except you mail the company your 'bread'. Slow clap
KSRandom195 t1_j4tpfw3 wrote
Every city I’ve lived in that picks up compost or recycling does that for free. They only make you pay for garbage.
b3njil t1_j4tq4t8 wrote
They should buy back the compost so the device pays for itself.
SmokeyJoescafe t1_j4tr7ne wrote
This reminded me to boot up my Stadia, I haven’t had time to play that puppy in forever. I can’t even imagine what amazing new games and features they have on it now!
BBZL2016 t1_j4tvd1f wrote
My weird obsession is compost/composting. I had so many friends sending me this product saying, "omg have you seen this?!?!?"
I told them why this product was BS, and they thought I was being a hater. This video makes me so happy that I was right.
BBZL2016 t1_j4twjjs wrote
I stopped reading after a $33 subscription. If you know anything about compost/the benefits of compost, you know there are very few ways to "speed up" the composting process.
I welcome a technological approach to composting, but the tech isn't there yet. One of the most essential parts of compost is the microorganisms within the compost. Sure, you're reducing your waste, but I would love to see a study done on the benefits of shredded dehydrated food.
[deleted] t1_j4txq1u wrote
GetOutOfTheWhey t1_j4u45cu wrote
This is just a glorified food dehydrator isnt it?
I got one for my mum for 150 euros and it's much larger than what the mill looks like.
It's an energy hog though and I reckon the mill is too.
Jolly-Resort462 t1_j4u542h wrote
I’d say it will fail, but there’s probably an upscale market that needs to feel good about the food they waste and will pay to do it.
[deleted] t1_j4u8vea wrote
despitegirls t1_j4uj2vq wrote
Lomi already does this and AFAIK doesn't require a subscription, although they do recommend using their pills to help with the process.
Seems like a decent product for those who are apartment gardening a lot, but I'm not sure I'd call the resulting product compost, at least visually.
Achenest t1_j4uzce9 wrote
You pay for it in taxes
KSRandom195 t1_j4v1f3b wrote
You pay the taxes either way.
WooShell t1_j4v2vp9 wrote
oh my god, not yet another breadmaker-turned-composter scam.. haven't we had enough of those already? They all failed, none of them achieved even remotely what they were promising, and anyone who can do some basic maths should see that. That thing is just drying the food waste, which costs a ton of electricity, and can not really be made "odorless" either. If you want to compost, set up a real composter in your back yard.
Reasonable_Ticket_84 t1_j4vd9eg wrote
Not just drying the food but also shipping it back to the company. Really the complete opposite of what would be naturally green composting if you just do it normally.
Fabulous-Ad6844 t1_j4vg0ya wrote
I just dig a hole in a garden bed & put vege/fruit scraps in.
Own_Cream_551 t1_j5gp0hb wrote
Call me when the service doesn’t cost me a dime….. people are struggling and you want $33 a month for the user to package up and ship their recycled food waste to another company to Make a profit…. To you sir, I say F off…..
Scipion t1_j4t7c6z wrote
They should offer the option of a one time purchase and allow you to sell your food grounds back to them. You're using your food, your electricity, and your labor to create a product that clearly has value.