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flaagan t1_j4317um wrote

Yup, same. We have multiple Surfaces for home and work use, even my 70-something parents both have them as their main computers and use the touchscreen regularly for interfacing with the computer.

Sucks you're getting downvoted by Apple fanboys and folks who haven't actually used the setup regularly.


wtgm t1_j4337pc wrote

Or there’s this crazy possibility that other people have tried them and didn’t like them nearly as much as you claim to.


tlsr t1_j44b6e8 wrote

> as much as you claim to

Are you implying that u/flanagan could be lying about liking touch screens? Why would they do that?


wtgm t1_j44d386 wrote

I don’t really care


tlsr t1_j44h66b wrote

If you don't care, why comment with your snarky nonsense?

You need attention that bad?


wtgm t1_j44kucn wrote

Because I felt like it at the time


sneks_ona_plane t1_j43v6vw wrote

My work has surface laptops and I don’t know a single person that uses the touchscreen on a regular basis

I really enjoyed my surface pro 4 but the different form factor made the touchscreen way more useful. You could remove the keyboard, draw, take notes, etc. It just feels so awkward on a laptop when the trackpad is already right there, and the angle makes it basically impossible to draw or write


flaagan t1_j443fwx wrote

Will say that I personally have a Surface Book 2, a Surface Pro 5, and occasionally use a Surface Pro 2 at work. On both the Pro's, despite it technically being easier to flip them to full tablet (just yank off the mag keyboard), I find that the slightly larger and heavier Surface Book feels more comfortable for doing 'walk-around' tablet mode. Sitting down with the Surface Book 2 on a table I will literally switch between the keyboard, touchscreen, and the wireless mouse I have connected to it on the fly, different actions feel more natural between each.


alc4pwned t1_j44wbtk wrote

It's not at all hard to see why many people would legitimately not like them. Fingerprints all over the display constantly? Screen wobble every time you touch the screen? Extra thickness on the display?


flaagan t1_j45rxw9 wrote

I use one in my workshop and even there the screen doesn't get dirty enough to be concerned by it. If you're on the stand or holding it properly they're relatively stable. The thickness is not noticeable, considering touch display features do not add enough thickness to even concern any average consumer with.