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t1_j43a1k9 wrote

My work laptop is a touchscreen and I like it a lot. I liked it enough that I sold my MacBook and replaced it with an HP, almost entirely because I wanted my personal laptop to have a touchscreen too. Aaaaaaaaaand then I never ever ever used the touchscreen and ended up selling the HP too, lmao.


t1_j43nkfm wrote

Damn you got some HP sales reps super fucking excited then sad for a second there.


t1_j44okoa wrote

I once absolutely crushed an HP sales rep's ego. I was sitting next to him in a conference room, and he started making fun of my MacBook. I just looked over at his HP Elitebook and said it looked awful lot like my Mac.


t1_j45elby wrote

I used to work in retail selling Home Electronics. Back when Windows 8 was launching we had to go and get sales training from Microsoft and the instructor was running it on a Macbook Pro.

Spent a fair amount of time trolling him - "So you're saying you'd like us to upsell to a Mac, you know... the superior Windows computer?"


t1_j4mcns6 wrote

Ha, it was a nice laptop! They did a really good job with the keyboard, it's gigantic. I don't think it's as good as a MacBook but it's still really well made.


t1_j45018x wrote

My personal laptop is a touch screen and I keep stopping myself on my work one.


t1_j46wbr2 wrote

my work laptop is a touch screen and I didn’t even notice until I accidentally touched the screen several weeks into using it