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schu4KSU t1_j60ouk3 wrote

If their eyes ever turn bright red...lookout, brother.

Honestly, here's the deal. It won't be a "rogue" AI that does us in. It'll be a program that has been instructed by a person or people to do so - and well before a well-intentioned AI would develop bad ideas of its own.

When you have code that can be copied and modified in minutes, it's the old thought experiment of "if every person on the earth had a button that, if pushed, would destroy life on earth - how long would it be before someone chooses to push it? I think we all know the answer.


Free_Community_4278 t1_j60s3bx wrote

I agree, most times I feel articles are more fear Journaling about tech they don't understand. For the general public, A.I can seem like truly dangerous but as stated it is more the people. If anything artifical intelligence will be used by fascist governments to control media, public interest and invading privacy for the sake of security. It sounds like a crackpot theory but I believe those are the true dangers of artifical intellgence.


thatfreshjive t1_j60y4z3 wrote

It's about consumption. With the sort of consolidation that's happened with media producers in the last 30 years - you can't maintain your integrity, and feed yourself, as a journalist in 2023.


schu4KSU t1_j60sr8b wrote

It could come from the right or the left. A privileged, relatively small number of humans living in a walled garden might be a reasonable final solution to climate change to some billionaire.


zdakat t1_j60vvfd wrote

I'm more concerned about the consequences of applications that are either poorly understood, or applied with malice (ie by people who don't care if it's biased)
The effects would be more insidious, so it could do more harm before the world cares, and there's more opportunity to just go "oh it's computer magic. But trust us, it's specially programmed to always be right so really it's better at making these judgements" than something more overt like a Hollywood style robot rampage.


schu4KSU t1_j60whp0 wrote

It could be someone telling it to develop, and continuously improve, malware to act as a bitcoin mining maximizer.


Visible-Profession72 t1_j60svrh wrote

Don't tease where's the button?


schu4KSU t1_j60t2op wrote

Last I saw it - was in the room with the box that might or might not have a cat in it.


TrekForce t1_j643cel wrote

It’s not that it might or might not. It does and it doesn’t.


BigMax t1_j6ayi77 wrote

> It won't be a "rogue" AI that does us in. It'll be a program that has been instructed by a person or people to do so

Well, it could still be "rogue" in the sense of a "rogue nation." People talk about a rogue nation deciding to nuke other countries. That's still people making that choice.

So it could be considered a "rogue ai" even if it's some nutball like Putin who tells the AI "do whatever it takes to destroy the western world."