
BigMax t1_jdkyfmy wrote

Solar saves a LOT more carbon from being used than the same land area of trees could ever sequester. It’s a very big net win for the environment, even if there is a bit of an odd feeling at first glance since land does get cleared.


BigMax t1_ja9g70v wrote

Yep, agreed. I think both are needed.

Housing is horribly complex. We all know we need more, but there are so many hurdles to building it.

You have NIMBY folks who don't want low cost or high density housing near them.
Then you get anyone who has a house, or owns property to lease, that doesn't want more housing since they worry it will lower the value of their assets.

It's a country/statewide issue that needs to be solved at the local level, and everyone at the local level fights it.


BigMax t1_ja9cvan wrote

These are great - but only if they are for home ownership.

We need a LOT more starter homes in this country. Home ownership is so out of reach for so many people, we need ways to get people into the market sooner. Let them buy into the market earlier with smaller places, rather than have them wait years and years or possibly forever until they can afford a place.

The area I live in is frustrating. Every new house that goes in is some giant house on a giant plot of land. You could build 10 nice little homes on the same spot, but no one wants to do that.

And even here it's something that looks nice at first, but it sucks. This is for RENT. So the people aren't really helping that much, they are just creating a new income stream for themselves while helping their main business at the same time.


BigMax t1_ja7ocvu wrote

Not sure i was saying that… I certainly could be wrong. I guess you’re saying AI won’t affect advertising then? I’d certainly be open to the decent chance I’m wrong! Maybe some categories of ads will go away but some new ones will appear?

My main point was that some ads are there to get you to click through for content, and that if the content is already right there in front of you, what would the ad do?


BigMax t1_ja7m0oh wrote

Well, that covers some ads, sure. When you are directly selling a product or service, they can easily put ads alongside the AI response.

But some portion of ads are directly geared towards driving traffic. I might pay to get you to come read my blog, or in general want you to come to my site for information or some other reason. If the AI gives users that thing right away, there’s no need for them to click through to any other site.

Specific example… I might search how to get rid of mice on my house. AI might recommend traps. Awesome, the trap manufacturers could put an ad right there!

But what about the countless sites that pest amateurs and professionals have, that give you advice? That have content about mice, where you might read several before finding out what you need? Now the AI already gives you that info - no need for any other sites. Those sites would throw ad money away, because why would you bother going to them now?


BigMax t1_j9wqmdq wrote

This is pretty cool.

But important to note, "competitive level" means it is good at programming competitions.

Meaning these are problems with a limited solution space, designed to be fully understood and fully explained in the question, and solved in a very short period of time.

I'm not saying it's not impressive... But in the real world of engineering, there is almost never a problem where you can say "here is EXACTLY what I want, with EVERY requirement clearly explained, and this shouldn't take you more than an hour start to finish."


BigMax t1_j95knpa wrote

Exactly. I feel like the first successful “metaverse” is going to be some small company that builds something that they just think is fun/cool/useful/whatever.

It can’t start off as a massive corporate soulless thing that comes out of a boardroom and jumps to massive success. It will be something like vr chat, simple, basic, with a subset of interesting uses, that then grows from there.

I think facebook screwed up in their approach. Why spend billions when they could have spent millions? Create one (or maybe a bunch) of SMALL apps, see what takes off, iterate, build from there.


BigMax t1_j9137un wrote

How can you imply you’re tech savvy and then dismiss a technology you’ve never seen or tried before it’s even released?

“I’ll never change my ways” isn’t exactly a forward looking philosophy.

Im not saying I have a ton of confidence Apple will create a killer search engine, but I’ll at least be open to trying it and open to the possibility.


BigMax t1_j6babd0 wrote

>The whole thing was mostly to avoid paying advertisers and search engines.

Exactly. Someone explained it well on here in another thread. But the quick proof is how it worked. You didn't set a option in your amazon account saying "donate to red cross" or whatever, and then just forget about it and go about your business as usual, which is what would make sense.

You had to intentionally type "" into your browser to start the shopping session. This ensured that you weren't starting shopping by clicking on an ad link or google search link or whatever.


BigMax t1_j6ayi77 wrote

> It won't be a "rogue" AI that does us in. It'll be a program that has been instructed by a person or people to do so

Well, it could still be "rogue" in the sense of a "rogue nation." People talk about a rogue nation deciding to nuke other countries. That's still people making that choice.

So it could be considered a "rogue ai" even if it's some nutball like Putin who tells the AI "do whatever it takes to destroy the western world."


BigMax t1_j64jfxh wrote

She said in a podcast recently she did TV work after Aeon Flux since she thought that movie destroyed her career, and she was trying to rebuild it.

It resulted in her excellent storyline on Arrested Development, so it all worked out for the best!


BigMax t1_j55w1cb wrote

Wait, so are they saying Facebook is more suited to stopping problems with Facebook compared to random users? Astonishing!

I wonder if this is true in other cases. I mean, I saw an issue with Amazon and figured I could fix it, but maybe Amazon itself might be better positioned to?


BigMax t1_j2c1re1 wrote

One thing to remember… we should want those in charge of the government to be paid a competitive/market rate.

Way too much of our government is run by people who are already rich and powerful. If people aren’t paid well, then only those who are already rich, or those that will abuse the power they have to gain money, will take these jobs.

Our government is already biased way too much in favor of the rich, don’t let controlling the government be something only the rich can do.


BigMax t1_iwyyh53 wrote

There are definitely stickers that help. Although those that actually do help you have to be careful with. If you get pulled over with it on they ask which cop you know.

They piss me off so much. Any cop and any close family and friends of cops here are immune to any traffic violations, and it’s even out in the open with those stickers, and no one cares.


BigMax t1_ivxupmw wrote

It’s a flaw, but can’t they legalize all the business that make up the weed production pipeline but then just keep the final step of sales for the state only?

For example, in Mass, the growth, testing, and sales, are all split legally, so any company can only ever do one. NH could do the same, plenty of folks would line up to grow and test, even if it was only the state who could do retail.