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t1_j5d40em wrote

Funny how this doesn't hsppen in South Korea


t1_j5d7bz4 wrote

The South Korean government is in charge of their reactors.

Ours aren't.


t1_j5d7s9k wrote

Kinda? It's complicated. Anyway, that's more of an argument for changing regulation than against nuclear reactors.


t1_j5d8ao0 wrote

You'll find that SKorean reactors are more safety-oriented than most US reactor models.


t1_j5d8u5b wrote

Yeah, that's what happens when you allow funding


t1_j5d99po wrote

Well, that's called nationalization. Americans call that communism.


t1_j5d9hwf wrote

The Korean nuclear industry isn't really nationalized, but I take your point. Yes, many Americans are stupid about such things. No, this doesn't make me wrong.


t1_j5d9vt0 wrote

Thing is, we want to have the benefits of a government-run and funded nuclear industry, just with less safety regulations and no government oversight.

We are, essentially, a stupid nation.


t1_j5dc7qy wrote

I think that's oversimplifying some things but not entirely wrong. Still doesn't make nuclear the problem. Stupid is the problem.


t1_j5laqiz wrote

The problem is we funded all nuclear power thru the DOD for decades so our reactor technology is optimized to generate bomb material not power.


t1_j5eki3m wrote

TVA's reactors are all owned by the government and they cost far more to build than the private ones. This was decades ago, but the government hasn't gotten more efficient in that time.