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squirrelnuts46 t1_j5wft6g wrote

What causes brain damage that makes you write things like

> @/u/hexguns

> 🤣 (yes, sarcasm) 👍

on Reddit?

Serious question, just trying to stay safe. What dis? Instagram?


hexguns t1_j5wlsc9 wrote

I have expressive aphasia, but hexguns is old user name for shooter games, hex = 6 guns.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j5wn1ic wrote

Oh I wasn't picking on your username but rather all the symbols the other guy added around it...


aaramini t1_j60w8mp wrote

Oh, um maybe I should've made it a hashtag (#) instead to satisfy someone who is clearly trolling and missing the point. My bad. I'd love to stay and argue all day, but this isn't Twitter either and I have other stuff to do with my time.

Smells like a Microsoft fanboi. Maybe I spent too much time using a Windows phone or a dumbed down OS like Windows 8/8.1/10 and that caused the brain damage, because MS doesn't know if it wants to be a Server, a desktop OS, a phone (fail) or a Fisher Price toy. Probably the latter.

Or maybe the same thing that causes someone to write "What dis?" instead of "What's this?" to look cool.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j617god wrote

Hold on, Microsoft?..

Ahhh, are you saying that damage was done just by being an iOS user? I was honestly asking seriously, man. Thanks, I'll stay away from iOS then. Just FYI: most non-iOS people don't become fans of random corporations (not in ways that affect their day-to-day behavior anyways) so your attempt to counter by attacking M$ looks really cute lol

>to look cool

Bahaha I'd never thought that'd make me look cool, thanks for the chuckle.


aaramini t1_j61blhv wrote

At least attacking a faceless corporation which has had, and still has, some shady business practices is better than attacking an individual, which is what people without any real counter point do.

I don't care about Apple/iOS, Linus/linux, Stallman/GNU, Gates/M$/Windows, or Sergey/Page/Alphabet/Google. They all suck because every OS/big tech company sucks in one way or another. You might have realized that if you've ever worked for one of them.

And all the "symbols" this "other guy" added was mainly 1 symbol... in the singular form and prefixing said username. The rest was to let others know the intention and mood of my statement to preclude anyone from taking it too seriously while also giving a thumbs up to the comment of the user I was replying to.

But, nevertheless, it happened anways. A user (troll?) took me too seriously. Why does one symbol, intentional or not, equal brain damage? @, is short for "at" or means "I am directly addressing this user". I guess, having been online since 1993 (not counting dialup BBS in the late 80's) it's hard to remember all the keywords and correct usage of syntax on all the various platforms and forums that have blessed or (mostly) cursed humanity and have come and gone over the decades. Out of context, "@" was usually in front of a channel operator's name on IRC. But in this context, it simply means I am talking directly to a specific user.

I am sorry if your personal life tradgedy/tradgedies have affected your ability to grasp such a concept or construct/convention.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j61gsj0 wrote

So when you feel attacked personally, is it because you disagree that behaving in a way that is non-typical on a platform and is annoying to others can be seen as a form of brain damage? What word would you prefer people used instead? "Deformation"?


aaramini t1_j61kcfr wrote

How about "defamation"... of character. Sorry, I don't spend a lot of time on reddit, so forgive me for not knowing the etiquette of this specific platform. I'd rather do something more constructive like help others figure out and solve problems on Linus Tech Tips, SO, SE or similar.

But I've fed you enough for today. DoorDash/Grubhub/Uber Eats will be delivering a nice cold meal in a few days (because those companies suck too). I just haven't located you via your Google/Apple maps tracking device yet to determine which particular bridge you happen to live under currently. Pardon the delay.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j61o0mu wrote

Now you know. You're welcome. I was intentionally rude to leave an imprint in your brain by the way. Now you know that too.


aaramini t1_j61z8ap wrote

Well you didn't leave any logical imprint. All I know is that this is a free platform to express one's thoughts, ideas and opinions. Some of which people may or may not agree with. But regardless of that, people should be respectful to each other and if my style of expressing myself (for clarification purposes) irks or annoys you, too bad. That doesn't warrant a personal attack, just so you know. Expressing an opinion about a publicly held company is free game. People do it all the time. And I studied English, grammar, punctuation, etcetera, so I don't care if my expression of opinion about Microsoft or any other company wasn't formatted to your liking. The world is bigger than your backyard.

And the fact that you accused me of having brain damage for expressing an opinion in a way you personally didn't like, yet I didn't harass or offend anyone personally in my original comment, shows that you had me living rent free in your brain before you even replied to my comment. lol But you might be the has to have the last word kind of user, so it's pointless for me to respond any further to someone who isn't interested in making logical arguments or having an exchange of ideas or opinions backed by examples and facts. lol Your reply to my original comment basically amounts to troll bait.

But at least you got a chuckle out of it and I was lmao the whole time.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j620dae wrote

You're clearly triggered to be writing that much so it did leave an imprint.

>has to have the last word kind

Said he, writing a lengthy response to my message 🤣 (yes, sarcasm) 👍

Bye now?


aaramini t1_j621erk wrote

More like bored while waiting for my dinner at a restaurant lol k bye.