
squirrelnuts46 t1_j63o5bm wrote

Mechanical energy is harvested by creating resistance in movement. Power = force × distance, most of it turns into heat, some into electric power. At 20% efficiency you'd be heating the ocean 4x times the wattage you're getting out of it. That energy would've dissipated in the ocean anyways though.


squirrelnuts46 t1_j617god wrote

Hold on, Microsoft?..

Ahhh, are you saying that damage was done just by being an iOS user? I was honestly asking seriously, man. Thanks, I'll stay away from iOS then. Just FYI: most non-iOS people don't become fans of random corporations (not in ways that affect their day-to-day behavior anyways) so your attempt to counter by attacking M$ looks really cute lol

>to look cool

Bahaha I'd never thought that'd make me look cool, thanks for the chuckle.