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SendLewdsStat t1_j6dujh9 wrote

I don’t care about votes, but the shipping address on nearly all Intel , Cisco , apple, dell, HP equipment I’ve been getting is from various places in the China. So how they assembled them with out the chips must be amazing…


ElectroFlannelGore t1_j6dvlv3 wrote

Yeah. They assemble things but they're not allowed to buy them. Wolf guarding the henhouse type of deal.

Of course thousands of chips are going to "fall off a truck"


ovirt001 t1_j6f98oa wrote

Although it really should be, it isn't a blanket ban on China receiving US chips. Specific companies connected to China's military are prohibited from receiving the chips (granted in a country like China this is meaningless because all companies are subject to the whims of the state). Chinese companies only assemble the final product and this is slowly changing as production moves to Vietnam and India.