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keeltheone t1_j93ipx4 wrote

Absolutely Not, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is a joke, right?


admiralvic t1_j93j0it wrote

Is there like a soap opera named Breaking Bad that I am not aware of?


onebadmex66 t1_j93jdw5 wrote

Are they both TV shows? Yes. And that’s about the only thing they have in common. BB is among the most well made shows in television history. Power was on TV. That’s about it.


64Impaler t1_j93jocn wrote

I can’t watch anything with that weird looking white guy from Power.

He looks like if an albino black guy had a 28 hour operation to look like a generic white guy.


_rufus t1_j93lc12 wrote

Not even close. Power is a really good tv-show, but that is just showing how good BB really is.


NagoyaR t1_j93s16v wrote

Weird that everyone here hates Power but it actually has a 8.1 on IMDb. It shouldn't be that bad


che-che-chester t1_j93zvay wrote

I wanted to like Power and, on paper, it seemed like a show right up my alley, but it was simply not good. Meanwhile, BB is generally considered one of the best shows of all time.


noobchee t1_j95e88x wrote

Power is a great show, So is Breaking Bad

Why do they need to be compared

Enjoy both in their own ways


anasui1 t1_j96lx9b wrote

lol. Empire was better than Power, and that was the campiest, most unintentionally hilarious show I've watched in recent years


sergiocamposnt t1_j97a868 wrote

The Wire and The Sopranos are the only crime dramas on the same level as Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.


youngbaebae96 t1_j9co0mv wrote

This comment section really makes me realize how insufferable BB fans are


kmank2l13 t1_j9x07b9 wrote

I do not.

Breaking Bad has some very consistent writing with their characters and storylines where as Power does not. There needs to be a suspension of belief when watching Power as some of their characters and their motives can be a little unbelievably at times.