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bernsteinschroeder t1_jacfy7q wrote

Video Cassettes, that's how we did it.

Pre-video recorders, there was repeats if you missed some episodes, but TV was less linear and there were often 'previously on [tv show]' clips at the start so you knew what themes were being touched, so if you missed the episode you at least had some clue what things were built on.


CoolIceCreamCone t1_jacgf8i wrote

No never intentionally, just when I either didn't have enough interest or was busy. I never binge watch anything.


mickeyflinn t1_jacihrm wrote

I have never done that by choice. I don't binge shows anymore.

I haven't watched a show at its scheduled time in 30 years. Prior to steaming I used my DVR, prior to that I used my VCR.


tinoynk t1_jacjae3 wrote

I find it easier to watch stuff as it airs. One hour a week for 10-12 weeks is an easy commitment, but if that builds up to one 10-12 hour block, it gets a bit harder to manage.


urridium t1_jacjqte wrote

You don't need to watch it as that one 10-12 hour block though. You can watch one episode per day, 2, none, only other day... whatever you prefer. With weekly, you're just tied to that one day. I think that's way harder to manage than choosing when to watch and how much.


urgasmic t1_jaclkjl wrote

it's weird. when i binge i just set aside time and do it but when i watch weekly i find myself never in the right mood and i keep delaying, usually 2-3 episodes at a time.


Zarianin t1_jacmrdx wrote

Unless it's a huge global phenomenon like GoT where I have to be caught up each week because everyone's talking about it then yes. Nearly every show I watch is one that's already completed so I can binge.


meowskywalker t1_jacnt01 wrote

Have I ever? I don’t start a season until the final episode has been released. I know if I started a week early I’d be fine since I wouldn’t get to the final episode until after it aired anyway, but it’s important to me that the data they get showed them I waited.


ArchDucky t1_jacnxo8 wrote

Back when streaming didn't exist, I would intentionally not watch random episodes of shows I liked so I had new content to watch when I bought the DVDs.


ILuvMemes4Breakfast t1_jaco6b8 wrote

it depends on the show. difference is more noticeable with anime like i binged the first 9 episodes of chainsaw man and it was the right call since its such a fun and like wacky experience ig. but there’s also stuff like vinland saga, where currently its been 7 episodes of watching slaves learn how to farm and its much more introspective, so week to week is pretty good cause it’d be hard to keep at it for an hour or 2 at a time yk?


anasui1 t1_jacojp5 wrote

yes, I first started with 24, the show that spawned binging, by making DVDs of 8 episodes each, so I had to wait until the season was over. I can hardly imagine what must have been to watch it week by week


dantemanjones t1_jacrkn4 wrote

Back when Stargate SG-1 was airing, I would wait for the DVDs and binge it. That was more because I didn't want to miss a couple of episodes than because I wanted to binge it.

Other than that? Not really. I tend to binge most stuff I'm watching because I hop from streamer to streamer, so there's usually a good chunk of content available all at once.


twbrn t1_jactsfv wrote

I do that with most shows that I want to see. I like not being stuck to anyone else's schedule and taking things at my pace. Sometimes that means 3 episodes in a night, sometimes it means I don't touch something for months. It's my choice.

Pre-streaming days sucked until DVRs were available.


archlector t1_jacu5aj wrote

Most shows I watch only after they have aired a complete season, it's not to say I binge all the episodes. I really need to like a show to bother with weekly viewing. TLoU now, Succession next would be weekly.


im_a_dick_head t1_jacu6l1 wrote

You just have multiple shows to watch, that's how you do it.


dwalker444 t1_jacu8z4 wrote

As an oldster, watching what I want, when I want has me feeling groovy.


Prax150 t1_jaczxlw wrote

Waiting several months to watch the rest of something I've already started (especially while everybody's talking about it) seems worse to me?


OkayAtBowling t1_jad01an wrote

I much prefer watching weekly. I like having a new episode to look forward to each week, and it gives me time to think about and digest each episode. I really only ever binge shows that I don't care about as much, probably paying half-attention at times while I do something else. If it's a show I am really into I want to space it out more, even if all the episodes are already available.


Username-dumb75 t1_jadca6j wrote

I always wait till a season is close to done, then watch at my leisure, usually an episode close to every night. My old brain tends to forget plot lines easily.


Arcanine26 t1_jaea0uu wrote

Yes, it is actually what I prefer to do with shows that do weekly releases. I did it with House of the Dragon, Atlanta, and Physical 100, and I'm currently doing it with Last of Us, Poker Face, and I'm sure a few others that I can't remember right now.

I'm similar with story-based games and podcasts. I don't really like to switch between story-based shows too much. I generally prefer to stay in the world of whatever I'm watching until I'm ready to move to the next or until the story is finished (for the season or for the series). Week by week makes me less engaged