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t1_j9xtnnx wrote

Not true. There were solid climaxes on all of the first 5 seasons or so. Yes they fucked the conclusion and we are all lesser people because of it, but you cannot take those first 5 seasons away from us. They were magical


t1_j9xzj1r wrote

5 was closer to 6-8 in terms of quality than to 1-4

It had some cool moments but the quality of plot, writing and dialogue took a tumble there


t1_j9y006s wrote

Season 5 definitely wasn't as good as the first 4, true.

I always give it a pass though beacuse the last 3 episodes in season 5 were really fucking good, especially episode 8.


t1_j9y0bjj wrote

I think that 5 might might not have been as good as season 1-4 but it was a lot better than most other shows, and far from 6-8.


t1_j9yg9oy wrote

> It had some cool moments but the quality of plot, writing and dialogue took a tumble there

That's how I'd describe 6. 5 was a mixed bag and the lows were really low but it still felt like they were trying.