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Untalented-Host t1_ja823la wrote

Seriously and they called it "one of the most successful mobile games company in Los Angeles" but no HR, lawyers, employment rights, and contract law?

In AppleTV Mythic Quest, a comedy show about another successful LA mobile games company:

  • Antics? HR always involved in like every episode

  • Business stuff? Montreal/Ubisoft is calling every 2 minutes to yell.

  • Staff? Composed of CEO, VP, and a shit ton of directors, managers, and executives. Even when they're arguing with each other, projects have negotiations and hierarchy

  • Discrimination? Half the staff has a boner for labor laws, discrimination laws, contract and employment rights

Meanwhile in the consultant, just the first episode:

  • Employee executive with his own office cries his eyes out after being informed he smells and is given a mop bucket to spongebathe himself in his office himself... a mop bucket previously used to clean up human fluids in the previous scene. An employee of no importance or anything to the show. In Cali/USA, this dude would be winning super lawsuits

  • Wheelchair black woman gets fired for being literally 1 second late after given 1 hour to arrive to work by the CEO or be fired. Disabled employees have protections against these types of abuse. Super lawsuit

  • New CEO just takes over the company. No HR, no board of directors, no managers, shareholders. Nothing. Oh amd why the old ceo's mom can't take over? Reason: speaks no english. That's it. No hiring of a proxy or translator, no translating app, not even a single Korean in the company to help translate? Weakest excuse ever

  • New 2 minute CEO just cancels all company projects without any plan, research, head company, or shareholders caring. It's a successful mobile game company, half of gamers would be incensed

  • How is main girl, the secretary, the highest ranked person to operate the company


Senna_65 t1_ja8oypm wrote

Woah there. She's not a secretary...she's a creative liaison!


tehPeteos t1_ja88fhv wrote

'You just don't understand though; you thought it was (x), when it's actually (y)! You're just not smart enough to get it!' the gist of many of the arguments I've seen in favour of this show, lol - no /s in sight.

It'll be forgotten in a month or two, as it should be.


reddit_beer_map t1_ja86tzi wrote

great comment, thank you! You've made me want to watch Mythic Quest now -- I had been on the fence but this comment pushed me over.


Accurate-Sprinkles-9 t1_jaaoiv2 wrote

Yeah weird that no one knows about google translate which is free? The receptionist briefly talks about a translator but there are ads? Does this show happen in a dysotopia where everything is even more of a capitalist hellscape?

It was also hilarious when they order food at the food truck, and they take their names, and then immediately hand them the food. It would take way longer to make that. At least have a cut to them standing off to the side and talking and have their names call to seem like time passed.


hagbardceline69420 t1_ja9dbc5 wrote

If you want to watch a show about this industry, you're better off watching Mythic Quest, or Catch and Halt Fire.

It felt like someone got a pilot greenlit and didn't know what to do next.