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t1_jadktoh wrote

I fall into this category. I really enjoy the LotR books, but never read any of Tolkien's other works. So I don't know what the back story should be, nor do I care. I was entertained enough to watch the season, and I'll watch S2. I'm interested in where the story is going to go.

Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I didn't think the show sucked as hard as people seem to think. I think it's just judged overly harshly, which is fine because I judged the Uncharted movie pretty harshly because I LOVE the games. But for those of us who don't care that much about the source material or how much the show strays, the show is fine.

Wheel of Time is the same. I never read the books, so have no clue about the story. The show was ... OK. I'll watch the second season as well b/c it scratches a particular TV itch and I don't have to think too hard about it.


t1_jaetb12 wrote

I didn’t think it sucked at all. I thought it was interesting, gripping, beautiful and I really enjoyed it. Don’t forget that most people probably enjoyed it. The subset of people who like to come on reddit and complain about things, and indeed actively seek out things to complain about and then kind of form a mob of unreasonable “haters” is actually a tiny, insignificant number of people.


t1_jae483l wrote

> Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I didn't think the show sucked as hard as people seem to think.

It was mostly just boring IMO. But I thought the end of the season was really strong.

Fantasy fans are the absolute worst as far as fandoms go, though, so no surprise at the hate.
