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t1_jch0ytd wrote

OK, this thing's really fucking cooking now. This dude is like adding an instant +10 charisma/intrigue to your show through casting alone.

edit: also please go watch Emily the Criminal right now.


t1_jch2bd1 wrote

remember that time he got stabbed by Marilyn Manson in prison?


RIP Juice.


t1_jchkp22 wrote

Doesn’t he hang himself? Haven’t watched the later seasons since it aired.

Edit. Actually I think he botched that in the show.


t1_jcikm0e wrote

Did he like sleep with Kurt Sutter’s wife or something? The sheer amount of Juice hate that happened in those last two seasons was just excessive. He was the Theon Greyjoy of SoA


t1_jcj6dbc wrote

Given what Sutter had done to his own character throughout the series, I'd say that if anything, it shows he might have a little crush on Juice.


t1_jch38d3 wrote

He was awesome in Luke Cage!


t1_jcinf1e wrote

This was my first and only introduction to him and I thought he was the lamest thing I've ever seen in television. I'm willing to chalk it up to bad writing, but what else has he been in that might change my mind?


t1_jcigd2r wrote

I’d argue the opposite. This guy is your kind of d-list star who people will know but his credits are pretty rough. Emily the criminal was good but it had nothing to do with him.


t1_jch4v03 wrote

He’s probably gonna kill it in the show, but I Hope they subvert expectations and not have him be a criminal/gang member/dirty cop. Feel like that is almost his entire filmography at this point


t1_jchb4wk wrote

If you wanna see him play against type, you should check out the Netflix miniseries “True Story”.


t1_jchncak wrote

His arc in season 2 of Luke Cage was so unexpected and great


t1_jchs20s wrote

Following Alfre Woodard around like a lost puppy was sad and hard to watch imo


t1_jchit0y wrote

This guy puts on an acting clinic in Emily The Criminal


t1_jchrhby wrote

Yeah that's the only thing I know him from. He was great!


t1_jcowyu2 wrote

I was gonna say. This dude absolutely ruled in that movie and now I wanna see everything he acts in.


t1_jch6tro wrote

I loved him in Sons, but his character really had a bad arc. Glad to see him again.


t1_jchjyjs wrote

remember in SOA when they found out he had a black dad and spent a lot of time debating whether to kick him out because of it? Lol, that show was too funny at times


t1_jchnlpf wrote

Actually he was the one that was worried about it because of some old rule within the club that said black people couldn't join.

In the end noone actually cared about it, but it was just one of the things the cops were using to manipulate him.

I think idk I haven't seen it in awhile.


t1_jchptqx wrote

As I remember it, Chibs was like "half of us have no idea who our fathers were, all that matters is what it says on your birth certificate"


t1_jchqnfm wrote

I guess I always took that as, since he was already part of the club they werent looking for reasons to kick him out. Even if they did find out his dad was black I feel like they would have looked the other way. Especially since I dont think most of them were nearly as racist as that rule was.


t1_jchqto1 wrote

Yeah he was throwing Juice a bone and giving him a thin justification that would let him off the hook.


t1_jcke15y wrote

You are correct. I just recently watched this and no one actually cared about his dad, the cops just spun his head. When chibs tells jax the cops were using juice cus his dad was black, jax says “it’s about time we change some bylaws.” They are all kinda dumbfounded that’s why he would turn on the club.


t1_jcjousq wrote

Wasn't it Potter who used the information to force him to be an informant? The group didn't find out for a while and it was until Chibs found out that he was like, 'Really? That's not a big deal but if you ratted we'd have to kill you.'


t1_jch9hmh wrote

He has slowly turned into one of my favorite actors. Looking forward to seeing him in this one.


t1_jci93u5 wrote

This is in the same universe as March of the Penguins?


t1_jciam50 wrote

The cast for this is getting stacked! Loved this guy in Luke Cage. He can be a total douche in the most charming way possible.


t1_jcizy1h wrote

Theo Rossi was rumoured to be cast as Bane in The Batman a couple of years ago. Would be interesting if he actually is Bane in the show.


t1_jcju7oa wrote

I can’t stand this guy . Maybe that means he’s good at his job


t1_jckrorh wrote

I really liked him in SOA. But I’m a little surprised that the comments here are so positive for “Shades” in “Luke Cage”. It’s hard sometimes to separate bad writing from bad (over)acting, but that was pretty rough to watch.


t1_jcka5h7 wrote

Go , Theo, go, Theo, Go! This series is looking better & better!


t1_jcl1yag wrote

He’s good in every show I see him in


t1_jcl6dga wrote

I'm honestly surprised he just wasn't automatically added to [insert said series about current-ish gangsters] TV show from the get go.


t1_jci643t wrote

Is it me or does he look like a skinnier Adam Sandler? The eyes.


t1_jcj9th3 wrote

This guy looks like Elly from Last of us
