
just_some_dummy_ t1_jdpon5p wrote

The second season is really good for the most part, but also compared to the first season I feel like it goes to being sort of a generic gritty LA cop show. None of the characters felt super impactful and the dialogue seemed really rough at some spots. The ending also was like, really unsatisfying. I liked it but it was nowhere near the same quality.

The ending of episode 4 though with the shootout had me hooked. I kept wondering why nobody had a radio, but i was also on the edge of my seat lol


just_some_dummy_ t1_ja7wybq wrote

Banshee is like a soft core porn soap opera. Things happen because the plot needs, its garunteed the main character will bang the new girl that shows up, its way over the top, implausible and sometimes just nonsensical.

But its so god damn entertaining. The action, the characters, the story isn't bad if you can suspend your belief. Antony Star is great and he really helps carry the show a bit imo, as well as Ulrich Thomsen who plays one of the most interesting villains I've seen in awhile.


just_some_dummy_ t1_j5ndlbq wrote

I got real fuckin high one night and turned on something to watch. This was right when I first started smoking so I'm pretty fuckin baked. The tv gods blessed me with Batman & Robin and it blew my mind. Its astonishingly bad but in a super comic book tropey way, its almost like a parody of batman films. I highly suggest it.