Submitted by [deleted] t3_125dcpg in television
Submitted by [deleted] t3_125dcpg in television
Decent for 6 seasons or so, then forgettable. Solid USA Network show overall.
Right thanks for the info
The first few seasons are great IMO. But then it gets old when you realize every scene is just someone walking into an office, saying the most dramatic thing possible, then walking out in a huff.
I really really enjoyed Season 1. For me, the novelty of the show quickly wore off when I was watching Season 2.
As others have said, first couple of seasons, sure. Loses its way after that, becomes lazy with the plotlines and little character development.
It's an interesting legal drama. It's never in the courtroom. It's more office politics, soap opera, legal strategy that gets you to settle before going to court. It's lighter in tone than most.
I asked ChatGPT for the most generic Suits scene it can produce:
HARVEY: You know what this is about, Jessica? It's about your name on the wall. You think that gives you the right to call all the shots?
JESSICA: My name's on the wall because I earned it, Harvey. And you'd do well to remember that when you're making your little power plays.
MIKE: Guys, we need to focus on the case. We've got to be on the ball here.
LOUIS: Oh, spare me the clichés, Mike. You don't even know what it means to have your name on that wall. You're not even a partner!
DONNA: Alright, everyone needs to calm down. Let's not forget what we're here for. We're a team, and we need to start acting like one.
RACHEL: Donna's right. We need to stop yelling and start working together.
HARVEY: Working together? Is that why you went behind my back, Jessica?
JESSICA: I did what I had to do to protect the firm. It's not just about your ego, Harvey.
MIKE: Look, I get it. Names on the wall, being on the ball, it's all important. But what's really important is that we win this case. For the client.
LOUIS: The client? Oh, that's rich coming from you, Mike. Tell me, how's that name of yours looking up there?
RACHEL: Enough, Louis! This isn't helping.
DONNA: Can we all just take a deep breath and get back to work? Let's show them why our names are on that wall.
HARVEY: Fine. But just so we're clear, Jessica, this isn't over.
JESSICA: It's never over, Harvey. That's the game we play.
Well: great premise, awesome performances and the show just looks good (set, costumes and so on). There is unfortunately only so much dramatic irony that a show can keep going without the plot points becoming too convenient for reasonable suspension of disbelief; and while I commed them for going beyond season 5 - I wish they hadn't.
So, yes, it's worth watching, just not really worth finishing.
HARVEY: "You think you can waltz in here and change the name on the wall? Not on my watch, Mike!"
MIKE: "Damn it, Harvey, this isn't just about the name on the wall. It's about respect, and you know it!"
HARVEY: "Respect? You want to talk about respect? You were a fraud, Mike! And I took you in!"
MIKE: "You took me in because I was the best damn associate this firm has ever seen. I earned my place here!"
JESSICA: "Enough! Both of you! This firm is bigger than the two of you and your egos. We have to be on the ball here."
HARVEY: "On the ball? You're the one who brought Hardman back! How's that for being on the ball?"
JESSICA: "I did what I had to do to protect this firm, Harvey. And I'll do it again if I have to."
MIKE: "And what about me? What about what I've done for this firm?"
HARVEY: "You've done a lot, Mike, but that doesn't mean you get to put your name on the wall."
MIKE: "You know what, Harvey? Fine. But you better believe I'm going to keep fighting for it."
HARVEY: "Then you better bring your A-game, because when it comes to fighting for this firm, I never back down."
JESSICA: "Gentlemen, we're done here. There's a lot of work to do, and I expect both of you to be on the ball."
Pilot is incredible, and the first 6 seasons are really good.
It has more comedy elements than normal legal dramas, but I actually preferred it to Good Wife and similar.
If you are looking for something entertaining and easy to watch, it's a very good option. Overall, a charismatic legal show.
It eventually leads nowhere and becomes very formulaic, but there's plenty of good TV to enjoy before then.
The pilot was great but then they moved away from Mike using his photographic memory to solve cases to a soap opera. My wife and I gave up with two episodes in season 2. I've seen it included as one of USA Network's blue sky shows, but it had a lot sniping and backstabbing type of drama. It also lost a bit of its humor as the show progressed.
Same here. Too much bickering and drama.
Exactly. I quit the show once Mike left, but even then it was getting miserable to watch. Louis went from being a decent foil to Mike to being an eye-roll-enducing supporting character who made the worst possible decision every time just for more drama.
I enjoyed season 1 but never got around to watching season 2.
That is literally what Ozark is. Someone comes to talk to Jason Bateman/he goes to talk to someone. Looks intensely at the person, moment of silence looks down, couple of seconds, looks up, intense moment. Every scene
HARVEY: "Dammit".
i liked first seasons very much but then it just gets same old same old, to the point that i hated it. i stopped after s7 i think, im gonna finish it off but at this pace im gonna need few more years before i try again. I feel they should've just gone totally nuts with something, new setting or something just new. that same office over and over again feels like even the creators are just doing it. theres no soul in it. i liked cast tho.
It's a procedural that veers between hammy legal drama, hammy romance, and hammy bromance.
Do you really want to watch a show with whiny English princess girl?
throwawayforyouzzz t1_je3qb86 wrote
It was okay. Nothing really memorable, but I managed to get through all 9 seasons so I guess that counts. I found Donna very annoying. Show lost its charm quite a bit when Jessica and the rest started leaving.