Submitted by t3_1268hsd in television

Does anyone ever randomly think about how good Batman Beyond was? Like not just for a cartoon but in general really good. Static Shock too & Jackie Chan Adventures. Wasn’t there a crossover with all 3?



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t1_je84rkj wrote

Uhh Batman Beyond is set in the future, how would it crossover with Jackie Chan Adventures and Static Shock? Jackie Chan Adventures is not even in the same universe as the other two 😂. Static Shock did crossover with the Justice League show, I think that's what you're talking about.


t1_je85osz wrote

I don't think it crossed over with Jackie Chan adventures, pretty sure warner doesn't own that. Is it possible you're thinking of that Zeta project series that spun off of Batman Beyond?


t1_je85ufp wrote

Batman Beyond was incredible. Return of the Joker especially was a damn good feature and right up there with the best of the DC Animated movies. I would love to see a live-action movie with Keaton as old Bruce. Or even a grey/white haired Ben Affleck (though I doubt he would do it now).


t1_je878fk wrote

>how would it crossover with Jackie Chan Adventures and Static Shock

In Batman Beyond's case, time travel. Static is a member of the Justice League during the time period of Batman Beyond. There were crossover episodes with both Static Shock and Justice League Unlimited.


t1_je87xqf wrote

You might misremembering a KidsWB! promo. They had character crossovers in their adverts.


t1_je8acsn wrote

Jackie Chan adventures did have an episode where future jade (voiced by lucy liu) travels to the present though...and as for the DCAU, batman, Superman, justice league, are all connected with batman beyond, static shock, and zeta


t1_je8j10e wrote

There was a crossover with Static Shock and Zeta I think, a show about an android.


t1_je8kaiv wrote

> Return of the Joker especially was a damn good feature and right up there with the best of the DC Animated movies.

"If you don't like the movie, I've got slides" is somehow the evilest line in the film.


t1_je8mpt9 wrote

The episode Disappearing Inque has one of the most grotesque moments in any kids show I’ve ever seen. A man wants the powers of the supervillain Inque, who’s basically a slime woman. Well, she gives him half a vial of whatever gave her the powers. It turns him into a puddle of melted flesh, unable to hold his head an inch off the ground.


t1_je8po51 wrote

Imagine an Arkham style Batman Beyond game, or even a new live action movie with Michael Keaton or someone passing the torch to Robert Pattinson.


t1_je8qsfa wrote

Yeah Batman Beyond was a great show, probably one of the darkest kids shows. And yeah they did a crossover with Static Shock but not Jackie Chan Adventures


t1_je9fw6y wrote

I liked the spin-off, The Zeta Project. The plot was pretty interesting and it was cool that they tried to talk about serious themes, much like Static Shock had done. Too bad WB gutted the show to the point the creator decided to abandon it, we never got any resolution.


t1_je9fyo4 wrote

My favourite Batman tv show as a kid, so dang good!


t1_je9fzpe wrote

That scene fucked me up as a kid. There were tons of brutal fates in the show though. The guy who became insubstantial and fell to the center of the earth, the radioactive zombie dad that’s trapped underground, the Splicer who gets injected with a bunch of animals’ DNA and turns into a misshapen monster. Show was dark as hell for a kids show.


t1_je9qwxv wrote

Rewatching it on HBO Max and it's still a great show


t1_je9r4zb wrote

Loved all of it! RoTJ was incredible. With all the weird permutations of Batman Movies that have come out over the years I can't believe nobody has had a go at a live action version. Could be incredible!


t1_je9y0qq wrote

They should just continue the a anime where it left off or make a game.

I didn’t like how in Justice League they tied it in as Terry being Bruce’s son. It is cheap writing that a lot of shows and movies did during that time


t1_jea3wdj wrote

Harley Quinn's been a spot of alright, but yeah

feels like after Justice League Unlimited ended, they mostly focused on programming for younger kids, and standalone DVD releases for the older audiences. Some of them have been decent, but others not so much and nothing really great for those craving a longer series.

"The Batman" started out pretty rough, but did improve a bit and have some decent episodes later on


t1_jea5azx wrote

The team behind it is making a new batman series caped crusader


t1_jea645i wrote

I loved the art style and tone of Beyond. Great storytelling too, and I loved the tension between Terry and Bruce.

It was also super fun when Batman showed up and took off his old man Bruce mask.

It would be such a treat if DC had the stones to kick off a movie series based on a combination of Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns and Beyond. The character of contemporary Batman and his adversaries have been so thoroughly explored. Why not open it up to some wild futurism? Let's see what happens to a man's psyche after a lifetime of fighting crime and corruption, and seeing his efforts come to nothing. Let's see what that man tries to do in order to pass on his legacy and legend.


t1_jebon9n wrote

Honestly, I liked Beyond way more than the original Batman animated series. But I watched both a couple years ago since I wasn’t even born when they both came out.


t1_jecjzf4 wrote

There was a show called The Zeta Project that did a backdoor pilot episode of Batman Beyond. The art style of that show is pretty similar to the Jackie Chan cartoon. Zeta's human/disguise form also doesn't look to far off from Jackie's cartoon appearnce so you're probably thinking of that show.


t1_jecl0gq wrote

Yes, and it irritates me to no end that a live action Batman Beyond movie was one of the things that got scrapped by DC last year. It would have been the perfect way to bring back Michael Keaton as Bruce and introduce a whole new rogues gallery to race/gender swap to their little activist hearts content.


t1_jeetj8l wrote

I wanted to like it, but the reveal that Batman >!had an affair with Batgirl while she was dating Robin i!< retroactively ruined Batman the animated series, for me.


t1_jeeu23z wrote

It wasn't an actual Batman beyond movie it was a batgirl movie that stole it's story from Batman beyond but d kid it extremely badly to the point that it was unwatchable according to say people.