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ThePopeofHell t1_is7m2d6 wrote

I hope they don’t kill Adult Swim.. there will be a crater of a hole left in its place in pop culture.


jordanManfrey t1_is8xsn4 wrote

adult swim really needs to be spun off into its own entity already


ios_static t1_is7tv7v wrote

Do they still make new shows for it? The last time I watched they just played reruns of popular adult cartoons, family guy, king of the hill etc. I loved it when they showed anime back in the day


the_pedigree t1_is8ax6a wrote

Anime is on Saturday for obvious reasons


Dawanna t1_is8s8sq wrote

Remember when they used to show anime every night on cartoon network. Pepperridge farm remembers


tomfoolist t1_is958y3 wrote

Waking up to Inuyasha blaring on my tv at 3am was a magically surreal time


the_pedigree t1_is8sy83 wrote

I don’t but I remember when it was everyday at like 4


cmnrdt t1_is9461j wrote

Check out Smiling Friends, it's genuinely great.


tregorman t1_isazkrx wrote

Smiling friends and Rick and Morty are their 2 biggest originals and are solid